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Obama & Reid threaten government shutdown over Obamacare funding

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Obama & Reid threaten government shutdown over Obamacare funding   Empty Obama & Reid threaten government shutdown over Obamacare funding

Post  fshnski Fri Sep 27, 2013 9:49 am

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., September 25, 2013 — While Republicans and Democrats alike excoriate Texas Senator Ted Cruz for his filibuster, everyone, including establishment media, miss the truth. It is neither Cruz nor House Republicans who are threatening to shut down the government over funding for Obamacare.

It is Democrats, led by the president and the majority leader of the Senate.

Under the United States Constitution, that much-maligned but still valid document, spending bills must originate in the House of Representatives. The Framers did this because the House was directly elected by the people and therefore most closely represents the will of the people.

The Obamacare law is unconstitutional because it originated in the Senate. The House bill had failed. When the House finally passed a bill it was different than the already-passed Senate bill and a parliamentary trick was used to “reconcile” the two.

Democrats knew that a second vote in the Senate would fail.

The bill was never challenged on these grounds. It was challenged on the individual mandate. It is unlikely that the Supreme Court would rule on Congressional procedure anyway.

So how can you get rid of a bureaucracy? Don’t fund it. That’s exactly what House Republicans did. It is not as good as repealing the law but it is a stopgap measure. The American people have never wanted Obamacare or any other form of national socialized medicine.

Read more: http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/red-pill-blue-bill/2013/sep/25/obama-and-reid-threaten-shut-down-government-over-/#ixzz2g6JYvObH
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Obama & Reid threaten government shutdown over Obamacare funding   Empty Jay Leno

Post  fshnski Fri Sep 27, 2013 12:42 pm

“President Obama now making his case for raising the debt limit. He said raising the debt limit does not increase debt – you know, like raising the speed limit does not increase speed”


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Obama & Reid threaten government shutdown over Obamacare funding   Empty Re: Obama & Reid threaten government shutdown over Obamacare funding

Post  WHL Fri Sep 27, 2013 12:56 pm

I heard him say that! How in the heck does he figure that? That is just how he twists everything!!

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Obama & Reid threaten government shutdown over Obamacare funding   Empty Re: Obama & Reid threaten government shutdown over Obamacare funding

Post  fshnski Fri Sep 27, 2013 12:59 pm

That was another video of obama leaving you shaking your head.

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Obama & Reid threaten government shutdown over Obamacare funding   Empty Obamacare, government shutdown, debt ceiling: Myths and facts

Post  fshnski Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:42 pm

LOS ANGELES, October 1, 2013 — Between Obamacare, a government shutdown, and the debt ceiling, new jobs are being created for fact-checkers. The hyperbole train has careened off the track. Away from political wars, it is necessary to separate myths from facts regarding what is actually three separate discussions.

Obamacare costs less than expected.
Technically true, but misleading. Costs drastically increase, just less than government projections. Lower projected increases are not cost decreases, just as slowing spending growth rates are not actual spending cuts.
Defunding Obamacare shuts down government.
False. Congressional Republicans sent President Obama a bill to fund the entire government except Obamacare. For ideological reasons, he chose a government shutdown over defunding Obamacare. He has broad latitude regards governmental operations.

Read more: http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/tygrrrr-express/2013/sep/30/obamacare-government-shutdown-debt-ceiling-myths-a/#ixzz2gW6hfp00
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Obama & Reid threaten government shutdown over Obamacare funding   Empty Re: Obama & Reid threaten government shutdown over Obamacare funding

Post  fshnski Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:45 pm

“This is life-or-death stuff,” obama said in a Rose Garden appearance, adding that tens of thousands of Americans die each year for lack of health insurance, and others go bankrupt. “Today we begin to free millions of our fellow Americans from that fear.”

Golly Gee Willikers ... We've got to save the babies!!

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Obama & Reid threaten government shutdown over Obamacare funding   Empty Re: Obama & Reid threaten government shutdown over Obamacare funding

Post  WHL Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:23 am

THey always mislead us on "cuts".

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