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AL-Boy, 15, kills himself after being bullied by cops and school over streaking prank

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AL-Boy, 15, kills himself after being bullied by cops and school over streaking prank Empty AL-Boy, 15, kills himself after being bullied by cops and school over streaking prank

Post  Anti Federalist Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:40 pm

If he had been LBGT, and it was not "officials" bullying him, this would be national news, every day, for the next two weeks.

Just another day in Zero Tolerance AmeriKa.


Boy, 15, kills himself after 'facing expulsion and being put on sex offender registry' for streaking prank at high school football game


• Christian Adamek hanged himself on October 2 and died from his injuries two days later - a week after he streaked at his high school football game
• He was arrested and school district recommended he face a court hearing
• If convicted of indecent exposure, he'd have gone on sex offenders list

PUBLISHED: 10:40 EST, 10 October 2013

AL-Boy, 15, kills himself after being bullied by cops and school over streaking prank Article-2452030-18A823E600000578-711_634x726

A popular 15-year-old student has committed suicide after he reportedly faced expulsion and could have been placed on the sex offenders' register simply for streaking at a high school football game.

Christian Adamek, from Huntsville, Alabama, hanged himself on October 2, a week after he was arrested for running naked across the Sparkman High football field during a game.

The teenager died two days later from his injuries and on Wednesday, friends and family gathered at a memorial service as they struggled to comprehend the beloved student's death.

A video of Adamek streaking during a game against a rival team was posted on YouTube hours after the event and students took to Twitter to call him a 'legend'.

'Sparkman's new slogan is gonna be "Welcome to Sparkman High School, Home of Christian Adamek",' one student wrote.

But school staff did not treat the situation so lightly.

Sparkman High Principal Michael Campbell told WHNT a day before the suicide attempt that the teen could face major repercussions because of his actions.

'There's the legal complications,' Campbell said. 'Public lewdness and court consequences outside of school with the legal system, as well as the school consequences that the school system has set up.'

In Alabama, indecent exposure is linked to the state's sex offender laws, meaning that he could have found himself on the sex offenders register due to the streaking.
Anti Federalist
Anti Federalist

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AL-Boy, 15, kills himself after being bullied by cops and school over streaking prank Empty Lesson...

Post  News Hawk Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:47 pm


Always "streak" with a bag over your head.

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AL-Boy, 15, kills himself after being bullied by cops and school over streaking prank Empty Re: AL-Boy, 15, kills himself after being bullied by cops and school over streaking prank

Post  Anti Federalist Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:51 pm

An unconfirmed report from reddit.

Seems some underling is the bad guy here.


I knew this boy personally. I have known the family for several years, and go to school with him. I also know his sister very well. I have heard what happened from what the family told me. I was at the hospital with him, when he died. I have heard so many wrong versions of this story. So here is what happened.

On september 27th, we had a home football game versus a pretty big team. Shortly after half-time, he ran out of the bathroom by the concession stand and onto the field. This was about a 25 yard run. Once on the field, nobody knew what to do. He had a ski mask on, and a tube sock covering his junk. He had some illegible writing on his butt(we would later find out that he had someone jokingly write on his butt asking someone to homecoming). After he ran the distance of the field, he jumped a 4 foot chain link fence, followed shortly there after by an 8 foot tall chain link fence. After he had done all that running, he got winded and was worried he might pass out, so he sat down in the woods where he was found by police. He was promptly reclothed and was put in a cop car. I was with his sister when she saw him put in a cop car. He spent a few hours at the police station before he was picked up by his father. The following monday they had a meeting with our head principal and two assistant principals(we have a total of 5 assistant principals). It is not up to the principals to make the decision of expulsion, only the school board can do that.

At said meeting though, one certain principal threw out a lot of scare tactics.

She called him a terrorist, and a sex offender and everything else under the sun.

After the meeting on monday, they were to reconvene on wednesday to further the discussion. He was never facing any sort of legal troubles at all, and I want to make that clear. All this talk of legal trouble, was from scare tactics. After the meeting on wednesday, they were leaning towards expulsion. After the meeting, he and his dad had a big fight. After which his dad went out side for 20 minutes to cool down and collect his thoughts. He left his son asleep on the couch, and when he came back, he wasn't there. He finally found him hanging in the garage. He called the ambulance as soon as he saw it. He had been hanging for awhile at this point. The ambulance took him to a hospital where they got a pulse on him and got him breathing. All of this was done medically, and was due to medicine. They soon sent him to another hospital that had the right staff and equipment to treat him. After two brain scans, it was decided that there was no activity and the family decided to stop all medicine and take him off the respirator. I was with them the entire time at the hospital up until they took him off of it. They say that while his body left the house, he as a person, a soul, never left the house. He died on october 3rd, and was buried october 7th. I know this might get downvoted, and I apologize for any errors or wrongdoings by posting this. This is my first post, and I felt this just needed to be said. So much is being said that is wrong and I just want the truth at there. If you have any questions, pm me.

edit: I just wanted to say that this article makes our principal out to be some demon. This is first year at the school and he couldn't be doing a better job. He is just taking the front of all this. He genuinely cares about his students and is worried for the family. He and I have personally talked about this together, with him showing great remorse and concern over the loss. He even went to the memorial, along with a few other assistant principals. I also know that the family loves him, and are extremely happy with how he has been handling this.

edit 2: I will not name names, I will not give out personal info. I will not condone a witch hunt, and I will not aid in one either.
Anti Federalist
Anti Federalist

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