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GA-Cops, on "No Knock" raid, chuck grenade in toddler's crib. Cops stand by their action.

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GA-Cops, on "No Knock" raid, chuck grenade in toddler's crib. Cops stand by their action. Empty GA-Cops, on "No Knock" raid, chuck grenade in toddler's crib. Cops stand by their action.

Post  Anti Federalist Fri May 30, 2014 7:24 pm

This happened just the other day.

No drugs found.

GA-Cops, on "No Knock" raid, chuck grenade in toddler's crib. Cops stand by their action. YP6SdeY

A Country Where Police Burn Infants in Their Cribs


William Norman Grigg (30 May 2014)

“I stand behind what our team did,” insists Habersham County, George Sheriff Joey Terrell,  referring to a 3:00 a.m. no-knock SWAT raid in which a 19-month-old  child was severely burned by a flash-bang grenade. “There’s nothing to  investigate, there’s nothing to look at,” continued the sheriff,  relaying the conclusions of the County DA’s office and the Georgia  Bureau of Investigation. “Bad things can happen. That’s just the world  we live in.”

If anyone is to blame, Terrell maintains, it was the alleged drug  dealers who had supposedly sold drugs to a “cooperating informant.” His  pious outrage overcoming his syntax, the sheriff characterized the  suspects as people “who want to do the domestic terrorism and sell dope  and make the money.” While emitting all of the expected sympathetic  noises regarding the child – whose face and chest were ripped apart by  the grenade that was tossed into his crib – the sheriff clearly regards  the Stormtroopers who raided the house as the primary victims.

The officer who threw the grenade “is basically upside down,” relates  the sheriff. “He’s gone and talked to his pastor, trying to get some  counseling and some debriefing just to help him get through what has  happened.” If the pastor is a man of God, rather than an agent of  Leviathan, he will call that officer to repentance.

Special Response Team leader Matt Wurtz was also devastated by the incident, Terrell  observed, but in a “trembling” voice expressed his determination to  continue kicking in doors at 3:00 a.m. “because children are getting  involved in situations they don’t need to be.”

That’s right:

The on-site commander who nearly burned a child to  death in a raid the likes of which the Gestapo might have regarded excessive did it For The Children.

Sheriff Terrell likewise remains committed to pursuing the path of righteousness:

“We’re called for a purpose. The members of this team want to be  here… We’re getting more and more information about children, 14-15  years of age, getting into methamphetamine. Who is going to stand up for  them? Who is going to do the right thing? We are! We are! And we are  not going to stop what we do.”

One wonders if the “information” to which Sheriff Terrell refers is  as reliable as that provided by the “confidential informant” who told  police that there were no children at the home prior to the SWAT raid.

Alecia Phonesavanh, the mother of the infant who was severely burned  and nearly murdered by Terrell’s ministering angels of divine justice,  was visiting her sister-in-law when the raid took place.

“Everyone’s sleeping,” Phonesavanh told WSB news.  “There’s a loud bang and a bright light. The cops threw that grenade in  the door without looking first, and it landed right in the playpen and  exploded on his pillow right in his face.”

While emphasizing the emotional wounds suffered by his gallant  minions, Terrell pointedly sought to minimize the injury inflicted on  the infant, who was placed in an induced coma: “I don’t think [the  burns] cover a significant amount of the face or the chest,” the sheriff  insisted. The journalists who saw photos of the baby offered a very  different assessment:  WSB “decided not to share most of the photos  because of the graphic nature of the child’s injuries.”

Like many, if not most, of the people who follow his morally  irredeemable profession, Sheriff Terrell has mastered the art of  inverted self-pity, as taught to German Stormtroopers by Heinrich  Himmler.

“What stuck in the minds of these men who had become murderers was  simply the notion of being involved in something historic, grandiose,  unique (“a great task that occurs once in two thousand years”), which  must therefore be difficult to bear,” observed Hannah Arendt in her book  Eichmann in Jerusalem. “Hence the problem was how to overcome  not so much their conscience as the animal pity by which all normal men  are affected in the presence of physical suffering.

The trick used by  Himmler — who apparently was rather strongly afflicted by these  instinctive reactions himself — was very simple and probably very  effective; it consisted in turning these instincts around, as it were,  in directing them toward the self. So that instead of saying: What  horrible things I did to people!, the murderers would be able to say:  What horrible things I had to watch in the pursuance of my duties, how  heavily the task weighed upon my shoulders!”

An isolated incident is an anomaly; two of its kind may be construed  as a coincidence; when three or more occur, we’re confronted with a  pattern. This is at least the third episode in which a SWAT team has  burned a child during a night-time raid.

The most tragic episode of the kind was the murder, by SWAT team, of 7-year-old Detroit resident Aiyana Jones[/url]. Aiyana was burned by a flash-bang grenade and then shot in the head by SWAT operative – and “reality” TV star – Joseph Weekley on May 17, 2010.  

The midnight raid, which was carried out to arrest a homicide suspect  who could easily have been arrested by conventional means the following  morning, was staged for the benefit of a camera crew from the A&E  cable network. The telegenic assault was carried out despite warnings  from neighbors that children were present in the home — something that  should have been obvious on account of the toys scattered in the front yard.

A pre-dawn raid in Billings, Montana on October 9, 2012 resulted in severe burns to a 12-year-old child after one of the raiders hurled a flash-bang grenade through the  windows of her upstairs bedroom. Her father, who went to answer the  door, dodged another that “blew the nails out of the drywall” and left a  “large bowl-shaped dent in the wall,” reported the Missoulian  newspaper.

This assault was staged by a SWAT team attached to the City-County  Special Investigations Unit (CCIU) in Billings, Montana. Like Sheriff  Terrell. Billings Police Chief Rich St. John insists that the assault on  the home was carried out because of “hard evidence” that a meth lab  existed on the premises.

Praise be to all that is holy, that “evidence”  was just as defective as the “intelligence” offered to Sheriff Terrell  by his cooperating informant in Georgia – but one wonders why anyone  possessed of a particle of tactical intelligence would hurl incendiary devices into a building that supposedly contains a lab filled with volatile chemicals.

Just like the officials responsible for the burning of the child in  Habersham County and the murder of Aiyana Jones, Chief St. John claims  that the CCIU had “hard evidence” insisted that his investigators simply  didn’t know there were two children living on the targeted premises –  not that this fact would necessarily have dictated restraint on the part  of the home invasion squad.

“We generally do not introduce these disorienting devices when  [children] are present,” St. John said regarding the flash-bang grenades  used in the raid. This would mean, of course, that there are situations  in which his agency uses incendiary rounds in the presence of children.

No arrests were made, and no charges were filed.

Jackie Fasching,  mother of the injured child, correctly points out that criminal charges  should have been filed against the state-employed Berserkers who  attacked her sleeping daughter.

But accountability for criminal acts  committed in the name of the State simply doesn’t exist in the American Soyuz, a country in which police kick in doors at 3:00 a.m. and burn infants in their cribs.

Copyright © 2014 by LewRockwell.com. Permission to reprint in whole or  in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are  provided.
Anti Federalist
Anti Federalist

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GA-Cops, on "No Knock" raid, chuck grenade in toddler's crib. Cops stand by their action. Empty Re: GA-Cops, on "No Knock" raid, chuck grenade in toddler's crib. Cops stand by their action.

Post  WHL Sat May 31, 2014 8:03 am

OMG, that's horrible.  And we are supposed to feel sorry for the guy who threw the grenade???  I think the police need to be retrained-the mentality seems to be shoot first and then worry about it later. If they are scared then maybe they shouldn't be cops.  And if it is ego, they shouldn't be cops.  This is just awful what is happening in this country.  It IS not America any more.

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GA-Cops, on "No Knock" raid, chuck grenade in toddler's crib. Cops stand by their action. Empty Re: GA-Cops, on "No Knock" raid, chuck grenade in toddler's crib. Cops stand by their action.

Post  Anti Federalist Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:19 pm

Anti Federalist
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GA-Cops, on "No Knock" raid, chuck grenade in toddler's crib. Cops stand by their action. Empty Re: GA-Cops, on "No Knock" raid, chuck grenade in toddler's crib. Cops stand by their action.

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