Killing Education with Socialism...
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Killing Education with Socialism...
...just in case you were wondering why we have "low-information voters":
Well-said comment:
...and a top Republican candidate was eliminated because he wanted to get rid of "Departments"...and couldn't remember which ones!
Socialism consumes Everything...
A 1991 response during the Bush administration to a 1983 federal report on education called “A Nation at Risk", which was published a full four years after Jimmy Carter first fixed the nation’s public school system by establishing a cabinet-level Department of Education in 1979. "
Well-said comment:
Conservatives drive another nail in the country’s coffin every time they send their child to a public school.
...and a top Republican candidate was eliminated because he wanted to get rid of "Departments"...and couldn't remember which ones!
Socialism consumes Everything...
Re: Killing Education with Socialism...
It's so scary. You can see it in the kids today.
WHL- Admin
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Join date : 2013-01-14
Re: Killing Education with Socialism...
Something to watch while we wait for the forum to "get right":
Re: Killing Education with Socialism...
Are kids really that dumb?
WHL- Admin
- Posts : 6057
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Join date : 2013-01-14
Black Educator, Walter E. Williams, Speaks Out...
"As if more evidence were needed about the tragedy of black education, Rachel Jeantel, a witness for the prosecution in the George Zimmerman murder trial, put a face on it for the nation to see. Some of that evidence unfolded when Zimmerman’s defense attorney asked 19-year-old Jeantel to read a letter she allegedly had written to Trayvon Martin’s mother. She responded that she doesn’t read cursive, and that’s in addition to her poor grammar, syntax and communication skills.
Jeantel is a senior at Miami Norland Senior High School. How in the world did she manage to become a 12th-grader without being able to read cursive writing? That’s a skill one would expect from a fourth-grader. Jeantel is by no means an exception at her school. Here are a few achievement scores from her school: Thirty-nine percent of the students score basic for reading, and 38 percent score below basic. In math, 37 percent score basic, and 50 percent score below basic. Below basic is the score when a student is unable to demonstrate even partial mastery of knowledge and skills fundamental for proficient work at his grade level. Basic indicates only partial mastery.
Few Americans, particularly black Americans, have any idea of the true magnitude of the black education tragedy. The education establishment might claim that it’s not their fault. They’re not responsible for the devastation caused by female-headed families, drugs, violence and the culture of dependency. But they are totally responsible for committing gross educational fraud. It’s educators who graduated Jeantel from elementary and middle school and continued to pass her along in high school. It’s educators who will, in June 2014, confer upon her a high-school diploma.
It’s not just Florida’s schools. According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, nationally most black 12th-graders test either basic It’s not just Florida’s schools. According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, nationally most black 12th-graders test either basic or below basic in reading, writing, math and science. Drs. Abigail and Stephan Thernstrom wrote in their 2004 book, “No Excuses: Closing the Racial Gap in Learning,” “Blacks nearing the end of their high-school education perform a little worse than white eighth-graders in both reading and U.S. history, and a lot worse in math and geography.” Little has changed since the book’s publication.
Re: Killing Education with Socialism...
"The idea of forcing children to attend school is outdated and should be scrapped in favor of a system that encourages learning by choice, state Sen. Aaron Osmond said in calling for an end to compulsory education in Utah.
"Some parents act as if the responsibility to educate, and even care for their child, is primarily the responsibility of the public school system," the South Jordan Republican first wrote on a state Senate blog on Friday.
"As a result, our teachers and schools have been forced to become surrogate parents, expected to do everything from behavioral counseling, to providing adequate nutrition, to teaching sex education, as well as ensuring full college and career readiness."
Osmond said that in the current state of public education, teachers do not receive meaningful support from parents, while at the same time parents become frustrated that schools are not able to meet the individual needs of their children.
"Let's let them choose it, let's not force them to do it," he told the Desert News...
Excerpt...Read more here:
Our schools have indoctrinated two generations with Pablum®, and politicians have caved to escalating government-union demands. The result is unsustainable pension debt--as New Hampshire keeps discovering.
Re: Killing Education with Socialism...
Wow, profound, but true when you think about it. The cartoon is good too!
WHL- Admin
- Posts : 6057
Reputation : 11
Join date : 2013-01-14
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