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Putin sets red line with obama.

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Putin sets red line with obama. Empty Putin sets red line with obama.

Post  fshnski Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:04 pm

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that his government’s plan to have Syria turn over chemical weapons will only work if President Obama calls off his plans for military strikes — something the White House has rejected.

Instead, the Obama administration was still pushing Congress on Tuesday to pass a resolution authorizing the strikes, saying that the threat of military action is the only reason Russia and Syria were willing to deal in the first place.

SEE ALSO: Syria says yes to Russia-inspired chemical weapons deal

In a statement to Russia Today, a Kremlin-financed television station, Mr. Putin said Syria can’t be expected to disarm under threats of violence.

“Certainly, this is all reasonable, it will function and will work out, only if the U.S. and those who support it on this issue pledge to renounce the use of force, because it is difficult to make any country — Syria or any other country in the world — to unilaterally disarm if there is military action against it under consideration,” Mr. Putin told RT.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/sep/10/obama-still-wants-congress-authorize-strikes/#ixzz2eWBy4yL4
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Putin sets red line with obama. Empty Re: Putin sets red line with obama.

Post  WHL Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:07 pm

Hmmm, I wonder how WE, the US would like it if we were told to disarm???????

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