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Fred Fuller Oil under scrutiny for failing to make timely deliveries

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Fred Fuller Oil under scrutiny for failing to make timely deliveries Empty Fred Fuller Oil under scrutiny for failing to make timely deliveries

Post  fshnski Sat Jan 04, 2014 7:00 pm

he New Hampshire Attorney General's Office is looking into complaints that Fred Fuller Oil and Propane, one of the state's largest oil delivery companies, has been failing to make timely deliveries of heating oil to customers, according to the head of the AG's Consumer Protection Bureau.

James T. Boffetti, a senior assistant attorney general and the consumer protection head, said customers have complained that Fuller Oil has delayed oil deliveries, allowed tanks that should be automatically filled to go empty and that the company can't be reached by phone because of constant busy tones.

The company's attorney, Simon C. Leeming of the Preti Flaherty law firm, acknowledged the delays, blaming a host of problems that hit the company at the same time this week, including this week's snowstorm, which affected truck deliveries, and a system-wide telephone outage that caused busy tones whenever customers tried to reach any of the company's eight offices throughout the state.

"They have been scrambling for the last week to catch up," he said. "It's really been a perfect storm."

Boffetti said the company has been cooperative and assures him that oil will be delivered to customers who have dealt with temperatures that dipped below zero during overnight hours. He said the company is not the subject of any formal investigation.

"With this weather right now, it's a concern," Boffetti said.

At the company's headquarters in Hudson on Friday, several customers complained that their oil tanks were either empty or nearly empty and said that they were not able to reach anyone by phone.

"I'm frustrated," said Melody Payne of Londonderry. She said a company employee told her she would receive oil that day.

Simone McKeon of Manchester said her tank is nearly empty and that she is afraid she will run out of oil before her next scheduled delivery next week. She said she was additionally frustrated by the busy tones she encountered when trying to call Friday.

"I'm afraid I'm going to drop them because I don't like the way they treat customers," she said.


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