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What Global Warming Has Cost Taxpayers...

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Post  News Hawk Thu Mar 13, 2014 2:25 pm

Obama Blew $120 Billion on Global Warming


"That’s more than twice the annual Social Security deficit. But who cares about the seniors when the world is about to end unless a whole bunch of campaign donors and their companies get piles of taxpayer money.

What could you do with 120 billion dollars? It’s enough money to buy an iPad for every kid in school, pay for a months worth of gas for every American or give a $323 tax rebate to every American.

It would be more than enough to revive the space program or actually fund the military."

Ironically, Australia is buying more fighter-jets than the US.


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Post  WHL Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:05 pm

Look at all the companies he spent money on that went bankrupt!!!

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 What Global Warming Has Cost Taxpayers... Empty Jimmy Carter's Ghost...

Post  News Hawk Wed Jun 25, 2014 7:40 pm

Beware when NB tells us next winter to keep our houses cold and have them colder during the night.


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Post  WHL Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:40 am

Yes, the peons will have to keep the heat on 50 all year and Gore and Obama will live in the lap of luxury.  Communism?

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Post  News Buzzard Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:39 am

News Hawk wrote:Beware when NB tells us next winter to keep our houses cold and have them colder during the night.



Yeah right, it must get freezing cold down in the Keys in January. If we don't combat global warming your property will be worth nothing at some time in the future. Think of that cost to the nation !
News Buzzard
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Post  News Hawk Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:54 pm

News Buzzard wrote:
News Hawk wrote:Beware when NB tells us next winter to keep our houses cold and have them colder during the night.



Yeah right, it must get freezing cold down in the Keys in January. If we don't combat global warming your property will be worth nothing at some time in the future. Think of that cost to the nation !  
The real cost to our nation is to assume that something worse can't happen.

Florida and much the low-lying Eastern seaboard would be wiped out should there be a submarine landslide from the eastern Atlantic.
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 What Global Warming Has Cost Taxpayers... Empty To Save the Planet, Don’t Plant Trees

Post  News Hawk Tue Sep 23, 2014 7:33 am

News Buzzard wrote:
News Hawk wrote:Beware when NB tells us next winter to keep our houses cold and have them colder during the night.



If we don't combat global warming your property will be worth nothing at some time in the future. Think of that cost to the nation !  

To Save the Planet, Don’t Plant Trees


New York Times:

Deforestation accounts for about 20 percent of global emissions of carbon dioxide. The assumption is that planting trees and avoiding further deforestation provides a convenient carbon capture and storage facility on the land.

That is the conventional wisdom. But the conventional wisdom is wrong.

In reality, the cycling of carbon, energy and water between the land and the atmosphere is much more complex. Considering all the interactions, large-scale increases in forest cover can actually make global warming worse.

'Guess I'll have to cut down some trees!


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Post  News Hawk Sat Nov 29, 2014 9:35 am

Communist Gus Hall (of the Communist Party, USA) said it all regarding the environmental movement:

“The future of Communism in America will be in the environmental movement.”

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Post  News Hawk Sat Mar 28, 2015 8:04 am

New Jersey's Six Flags Great Adventure To Cut Trees To Go Solar

JACKSON, N.J. (AP) — A theme park plans to cut down more than 18,000 trees for the construction of what it says will be the largest solar farm in New Jersey.

Six Flags Great Adventure says the facility will generate 21.9 megawatts, or enough to power about 3,100 homes, and capable of meeting all of the park's needs.
Huffington Post
'Seems counter-productive, but there are many movements in New Jersey and New York I don't understand.


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 What Global Warming Has Cost Taxpayers... Empty Global Warming Debunked...

Post  News Hawk Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:58 am

German study...

Scientists Say New Study Is A ‘Death Blow’ To Global Warming Hysteria

A new study out of Germany casts further doubt on the so-called global warming “consensus” by suggesting the atmosphere may be less sensitive to increases in carbon dioxide emissions than most scientists think.

A study by scientists at Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Meteorology found that man-made aerosols had a much smaller cooling effect on the atmosphere during the 20th Century than was previously thought. Why is this big news? It means increases in carbon dioxide emissions likely cause less warming than most climate models suggest.

What do aerosols have to do with anything? Well, aerosols are created from human activities like burning coal, driving cars or from fires. There are also natural aerosols like clouds and fog. Aerosols tend to reflect solar energy back into space, giving them a cooling effect that somewhat offsets warming from increased CO2 emissions.

The Max Planck study suggests “that aerosol radiative forcing is less negative and more certain than is commonly believed.” In layman’s terms, aerosols are offsetting less global warming than was previously thought. And if aerosols aren’t causing as much cooling, it must mean carbon dioxide must be causing less warming than climate models predict.

“Going forward we should expect less warming from future greenhouse gas emissions than climate models are projecting,” write climate scientists Pat Michaels and Chip Knappenberger with the libertarian Cato Institute, adding that this study could be a “death blow” to global warming hysteria.

Independent climate researcher Nick Lewis put out a study last year with Georgia Tech’s Dr. Judith Curry that found that the climate’s response to a doubling of atmospheric CO2 levels — a measurement called “climate sensitivity” was 1.64 degrees Celsius.

Lewis revised his findings based on the Max Planck aerosol study and found something astounding: climate sensitivity drops dramatically. Lewis also looked at climate sensitivity estimates given by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — often regarded as the world’s top authority on global warming.

The IPCC’s latest assessment put climate sensitivity between 1.5 and 4.5 degrees Celsius. The IPCC says that despite “the large uncertainty range, there is a high confidence that aerosols have offset a substantial portion of [greenhouse gas] global mean forcing.”

Basically, the IPCC says aerosols deflect a lot of warming — the opposite of the Max Planck study’s finding.

But incorporating the results from the Max Planck study dramatically reduces the upper bound estimate of climate sensitivity from 4.5 degrees to 1.8 degrees Celsius.

To put this into perspective, atmospheric concentrations of CO2 currently stand at around 400 parts per million, if this were to double, according to the IPCC’s estimates temperatures could rise as high as 4.5 degrees Celsius.

But incorporate the Max Planck study results and warming would only be as high as 1.8 degrees Celsius — less than half what the IPCC originally predicted.

Michaels and Knappenberger say Lewis’s findings basically eliminate “the possibility of catastrophic climate change—that is, climate change that proceeds at a rate that exceeds our ability to keep up.”

“Such a result will also necessarily drive down estimates of social cost of carbon thereby undermining a key argument use by federal agencies to support increasingly burdensome regulations which seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” write Michaels and Knappenberger.

Obama reacted immediately:

March 31, 2015: “WASHINGTON  - The Obama administration’s plan for U.N. climate change talks encountered swift opposition after its release Tuesday, with Republican leaders warning other countries to “proceed with caution” in negotiations with Washington because any deal could be later undone.

The White House is seeking to enshrine its pledge in a global climate agreement to be negotiated Nov. 30 to Dec. 11 in Paris. It calls for cutting greenhouse gas emissions by close to 28 percent from 2005 levels within a decade, using a host of existing laws and executive actions targeting power plants, vehicles, oil and gas production and buildings.

And we wonder where our tax money goes.


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