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How politics makes us stupid

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How politics makes us stupid Empty How politics makes us stupid

Post  obervantone Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:52 am

I normally don't even look at threads other than Lake Winnipesaukee on this board because quite frankly I don't care what most of you think about politics etc. I did find this very interesting reading and thought I'd share with those of you who do more than read headlines:


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How politics makes us stupid Empty Re: How politics makes us stupid

Post  News Hawk Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:30 pm

By forum standards, there should have been "Cliff-notes" to this long post.

Much easier to comprehend is the fact that every four [election] years a large group of voters "pass-away"—and every four years, a new batch of people register to vote.  The latter are younger (and more impressionable) and have little or no experience at determining "how things ought to be". Those in the "Autumn of Life" have a decent grasp of politics, and how it is gamed on the airwaves: Those older voters tend to be conservative voters, who consider the youngest voters as merely impressionable—if not stupid.

They'd mostly be right!

Illegals also tend to be among the younger group, and are courted by whichever side needs their support with the ballots of those Illegals. Remember the Californian Congresswoman speaking to Illegals, and who stated on camera, "You don't need papers"?

Then there's the Medicare group, who could care less what happens to their country as long as they get "free" healthcare, "entitled" concomitant "benefits" freely granted to elderly voters, and any other perks that come along.  

The above considerations shouldn't be ignored by Conservatives, as it seems those voters who "have passed-away" still vote in our elections!


News Hawk
News Hawk

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Location : Winnipesaukee & Florida


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