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Voter fraud

News Pigeon
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Voter fraud Empty Voter fraud

Post  WHL Thu Oct 23, 2014 8:02 am

Here ya' go, NH. It's started already!!! A calibration error? Sure!!!

‘Calibration error’ changes GOP votes to Dem in Illinois county
Published October 22, 2014watchdog.org
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CHICAGO — Early voting in Illinois got off to a rocky start Monday, as votes being cast for Republican candidates were transformed into votes for Democrats.

Republican state representative candidate Jim Moynihan went to vote Monday at the Schaumburg Public Library.

“I tried to cast a vote for myself and instead it cast the vote for my opponent,” Moynihan said. “You could imagine my surprise as the same thing happened with a number of races when I tried to vote for a Republican and the machine registered a vote for a Democrat.”

The conservative website Illinois Review reported that “While using a touch screen voting machine in Schaumburg, Moynihan voted for several races on the ballot, only to find that whenever he voted for a Republican candidate, the machine registered the vote for a Democrat in the same race. He notified the election judge at his polling place and demonstrated that it continued to cast a vote for the opposing candidate’s party. Moynihan was eventually allowed to vote for Republican candidates, including his own race.

Moynihan offered this gracious lesson to his followers on Twitter: “Be careful when you vote in Illinois. Make sure you take the time to check your votes before submitting.”

Cook County Board of Elections Deputy Communications Director Jim Scalzitti, told Illinois Watchdog, the machine was taken out of service and tested.

“This was a calibration error of the touch-screen on the machine,” Scalzitti said. “When Mr. Moynihan used the touch-screen, it improperly assigned his votes due to improper calibration.”

Click for more from Watchdog.org

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Voter fraud Empty Stalin would be proud...

Post  News Hawk Thu Oct 23, 2014 8:09 am

"If we have high turnout in North Carolina then we will win. If we have high turnout in Georgia, we will win. If we have high turnout in Colorado, we will win. So, across the board, it is important for us to take responsibility and not give away our power," Obama said.
Obama said this when saying that the various Voter ID laws won't stop "our folks".

“These are folks who are strong allies and supporters of me, and I tell them, I said, ‘You know what, you do what you need to do to win. I will be responsible for making sure our voters turn out.’ ” .....


In Arizona, a poll watcher heard a big "thunk", and turned to the ballot box. He questioned the man who dropped the latest pile of ballots, but the man gave him a lot of lip, and walked out.  

Voter fraud XDem-stuffing-box.jpg.pagespeed.ic.MpdHtcl9tt

"Early voting" seems to have benefitted those who would use any method to win. "The ends justify the means", spoken like a devoted American Communist.



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Voter fraud Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Hawk Thu Oct 23, 2014 8:36 am

The government watchdog group Judicial Watch is announcing that they have come across evidence of plans for massive voter fraud set to take place in the lead up to the 2014 midterm elections.

Judicial Watch has been involved in the fight against voter fraud across the country, specifically in North Carolina, which is where this voter fraud is planned to occur.

A lawyer for the state of North Carolina sent a letter to Judicial Watch, informing them of remarks made by a speaker at a recent NAACP conference in the state. The speaker was encouraging audience members to deliberately mislead voters by telling them they don’t have to register before voting or that they don’t have to vote at a specific polling place.

The plan is to use the resulting chaos, confusion, and animosity to further the NAACP’s joint fight with Attorney General Eric Holder against North Carolina’s voter ID law, which they charge is “racist.”

Voter fraud Voter_Fraud_2Mil_Dems600O
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Voter fraud Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Pigeon Thu Oct 23, 2014 9:06 am

Chris Christie Says GOP Must Win So It Can Control 'Voting Mechanisms'

October 22, 2014  |  

New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie is going around the country campaigning for several Republican gubernatorial candidates who are in close races, in what is widely seen as a precursor to his 2016 presidential campaign.

Speaking on Tuesday at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Christie revealed that winning these governors' political support isn't the only reason he's supporting their campaigns. His other motivation? Ensuring that they control the “voting mechanisms” in their states, presumably to assist GOP wins:

   “Would you rather have Rick Scott in Florida overseeing the voting mechanism, or Charlie Crist? Would you rather have Scott Walker in Wisconsin overseeing the voting mechanism, or would you rather have Mary Burke? Who would you rather have in Ohio, John Kasich or Ed FitzGerald?” he asked.

Christie didn't explain how exactly the Republicans would take control of the “voting mechanism” to the advantage of the Big Business interests the Chamber represents, but presumably  discriminatory voter ID laws and tactics like losing 40,000 mostly minority voter registration forms are what he has in mind.
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Voter fraud Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Hawk Thu Oct 23, 2014 10:07 am

Stuffing ballot boxes...video...

It appears he's photographing the process he's initiated, perhaps to get paid?


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Voter fraud Empty "Progressive: Voter Fraud...?

Post  News Hawk Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:23 pm

Jaw-Dropping Level of 'Progressive' Voter Fraud Already Everywhere You Look...

For all those who figured Obama was only flooding us with illegals so as to later register them as lifelong Democrats, SURPRISE: it's here now, as illegal immigrants present on nation's soil for dubious reasons have been already automatically added to voter registration lists in North Carolina through Obama's 'Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals' program.

You know, the same North Carolina where skeevy Team Obama conspired to sign-up 11,000+ illegally-registered voters last time round... and not coincidentally, where no voter-ID law exists.
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Voter fraud Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Hawk Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:18 pm

In a stunning piece today by the Washington Post, a study revealed that non-U.S. citizens are deciding American elections in recent years.

It is stated that in the last two election cycles, upwards of six-plus percent of illegal immigrants actually voted. Up to fourteen percent were actually registered to vote.  There are approximately twelve million illegal aliens in the United States; this is a huge number.

I told you that "this country will be managed by foreigners". I didn't expect the WaPo to be the news source to release that information.

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Voter fraud Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Hawk Sat Oct 25, 2014 6:49 am

How many non-citizens participate in U.S. elections? More than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 samples indicated that they were registered to vote. Furthermore, some of these non-citizens voted. Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010.

In states where the Senate election is a dead-heat, Illegals are the margin of victory.

We're Venezuela now...


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Voter fraud Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Pigeon Sat Oct 25, 2014 10:11 am

News Hawk wrote:

Stuffing ballot boxes...video...

It appears he's photographing the process he's initiated, perhaps to get paid?



As usual, this is pure crap....funniest part is that this was in August during the primaries.

Arizona voting scandal isn’t scandalous after all

By Steve Benen
Once in a while, the word “apparently” can carry a heavy load in a sentence.

   Conservatives are outraged over what they claim, mistakenly, to be evidence of massive voter fraud being perpetrated in Arizona, The Daily Dot reports.
   In the video – which was posted at Glenn Beck’s The Blaze under the headline, “Surveillance video apparently catches guy doing something at the ballot box that left Republican monitor stunned” – Ben Marine can be seen entering the lobby of the polling station in a Citizens for a Better Arizona (CBA) shirt and delivering absentee ballots he had collected.

Well, it’s a funny story, actually. When Glenn Beck’s website says the video “apparently” caught a young man doing something wrong, it “apparently” didn’t check to see what’s permissible under Arizona election law.

A.J. LaFaro, the chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Committee, told the Arizona Daily Independent, “I believe it’s inconceivable, unacceptable, and should be illegal for groups to collect hundreds, if not thousands, of voters’ ballots and return them to the elections offices or polling locations.”

And though LaFaro is certainly welcome to call for changes to state election law, the fact remains that it’s perfectly legal to collect absentee ballots and deliver them to a polling station – making this controversy pretty foolish.

From Raw Story’s report:

   In Arizona … it is not illegal for groups like the CBA to collect absentee ballots and deliver them on behalf of the citizens who filled them out. As stated in the Arizona Elections Manual, “[a]fter [voters] have securely sealed the voted ballot inside the early ballot return envelope, voters may voluntarily give their voted early ballot to a person of their choice for delivery to the Recorder or a polling place.”
   Moreover, according to the president emeritus of the CBA, Randy Parraz, the group typically delivers thousands of ballots at a time, making the hundreds delivered in the video “look like a pittance.”

But the right appears to be pretty worked up anyway. Here’s Wonkette’s report:

   By Tuesday, the story was all over the rightwing blogosphere. The Blaze and The Daily Caller both ran with it, although we should note that the Daily Caller at least framed its headline as a question: “Does This Video Show A Hispanic Activist Openly Committing Vote Fraud?” (The answer is definitely yes, by the way). The story was also reblogged by the Stupidest Man on the Internet, Jim Hoft, who keenly observed from the video, “They don’t even try to hid [sic] their lawlessness anymore,” and claimed that “a vulgar, violent Democratic operative was caught on tape stuffing a ballot box.”
   Commenters are, of course, quite outraged as well, and have suggested that this obviously illegal immigrant “wetback” thug who is ruining democracy should be deported or perhaps shot. And this incident proves what they’ve been saying all these years — that President Obama only won his election (twice) because of these illegal thugs stuffing ballot boxes all the time. It’s right there on tape!

For what it’s worth, here’s the not-so-shocking video, showing a man dropping off ballots, just as the law empowers him to do. It might very well be the silliest conservative election controversy of the entire year, which is no small feat.
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Voter fraud Empty 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast

Post  obervantone Sat Oct 25, 2014 11:31 am


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Voter fraud Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Buzzard Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:47 pm

The Right Wing Book Of Mythology is quite a large book!
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Voter fraud Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Hawk Sat Oct 25, 2014 5:39 pm

Arizona has good reason to question ballots. Here are 19 examples from Arizona alone, many have multiple fraudulent voting:


Picking one:

6/14/2012 ARIZONA: nonresident voting, posthumous voting
"The political furor is complicated by allegations of election fraud in a mayoral vote that tallied just 706 ballots. Town Manager Alex Taft announced during this week's council meeting that 168 votes are under investigation. Cowell said she and other incumbents believe "something is not right" because about 300 new voters registered before the election, including some staying on federal lands. "We have proof that there were three people who were dead who voted," she added."
—Quartsite refuses to seat winning mayor, Arizona Republic, June 14, 2012.

'Til we become Cook County...

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Voter fraud Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  WHL Sat Oct 25, 2014 5:46 pm


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Voter fraud Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Hawk Sat Oct 25, 2014 7:11 pm

In a stunning piece today by the Washington Post, a study revealed that non-U.S. citizens are deciding American elections in recent years.

It is stated that in the last two election cycles, upwards of six-plus percent of illegal immigrants actually voted. Up to fourteen percent were actually registered to vote.  

There are approximately twelve million illegal aliens in the United States; this is a huge number.

This is NOT stunning news to me...

Evil or Very Mad

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Voter fraud Empty Maryland—a "Sanctuary State"...

Post  News Hawk Thu Oct 30, 2014 10:03 am

The single most infuriating thing about the fall of America. If they could win on ideas, in a fair ballot, it would be disappointing, but easier to accept...

An election integrity watchdog group is suing the state of Maryland, alleging that it has discovered massive and ongoing fraudulent voting by non-U.S. citizens in one county. But because of the way that the non-citizens are able to cast votes in elections, the fraud is likely happening in every single county and subdivision across the state. The group believes that the illegal voting has been happening for years.

The group, Virginia Voters Alliance, says that it compared how voters in Frederick County filled out jury duty statements compared with their voting records. The group’s investigation found that thousands of people in Frederick County who stated that they are not U.S. citizens on jury duty forms went on to cast votes in elections. Either they failed to tell the truth when they were summoned for jury duty, or they cast illegal votes. Both are crimes. The same group previously found that about 40,000 people are registered to vote in both Virginia and Maryland.

Obamacare web site is also a voter registration site---one state claimed it "accidentally" enrolled 4000 latinos to vote !

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Voter fraud Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Hawk Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:14 am

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — "The Cook County State's Attorney's office is investigating a Chicago alderwoman for allegedly offering prizes to voters casting ballots in Tuesday's election.

Sally Daly is a spokeswoman for the state's attorney. She says the office received a complaint about a Facebook post by Alderman Leslie Hairston that offered to enter voters into a drawing for area-business gift cards..."
(Excerpt) Read more at qconline.com ...

Dims have no shame whatsoever and will do and say anything. Our election process needs a complete overhaul.



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Voter fraud Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Hawk Thu Oct 30, 2014 1:08 pm

Project Veritas finds ineligible North Carolina voters for Kagan..:

Almost to Detroit...


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Voter fraud Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Hawk Thu Oct 30, 2014 5:58 pm

Voter fraud E9161f10
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Voter fraud Empty Liberals have nothing to say?

Post  News Hawk Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:13 am

The group, Virginia Voters Alliance, says that it compared how voters in Frederick County filled out jury duty statements compared with their voting records. The group’s investigation found that thousands of people in Frederick County who stated that they are not U.S. citizens on jury duty forms went on to cast votes in elections.

Either they failed to tell the truth when they were summoned for jury duty, or they cast illegal votes. Both are crimes. The same group previously found that about 40,000 people are registered to vote in both Virginia and Maryland.

It is a federal crime to cast votes if you are not legally eligible to vote. Non-citizens, whether in the country legally or not, are prohibited from voting in most local and all state and federal elections. Yet the VVA investigation found that hundreds of non-citizens have been voting in Frederick County, Maryland. One in seven Maryland residents are non-U.S. citizens.
This is shameful. How'd it get by the Dims?


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Voter fraud Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  WHL Fri Oct 31, 2014 5:33 pm

I am beginning to believe there is no control over voting. There is so much fraud it is pathetic.

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Voter fraud Empty Select Your Candidate?

Post  News Hawk Fri Oct 31, 2014 7:13 pm

Evil or Very Mad

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Voter fraud Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  WHL Sat Nov 01, 2014 5:38 am

Wonderful. Every time they press it, it is one more vote for the wrong person.

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Voter fraud Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Hawk Sun Nov 02, 2014 4:35 pm

The TEA Party are radicals—Texas—Vote Democrat!

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Voter fraud Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Hawk Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:46 am

The app, called VoteStand,  is being launched by True the Vote, an anti-voter fraud group that was one of the groups unconstitutionally targeted by the Obama IRS.

According to the VoteStand website, “the app uses a high level encryption, inside the app allowing information to get to the right people to make reporting voter fraud easily.”

A little late to the game...


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Voter fraud Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Hawk Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:34 am

Already polling errors in Hartford, CT.

"I don't know how many polling places were affected," he said. Having the voter lists ready "really, really must be done before the election," Harris said. "This is Election 101."
Hartford has a huge "immigrant" population.



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