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Hillary In 2016

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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  News Pigeon Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:24 pm

WHL wrote:They have decided they don't like her and won't vote for her.  Is that so hard to understand.

Really...and you know this to be true because Cleo the Psychic told you this is the future voting outcome?? How can you claim to know how people will vote in 2 yrs
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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  obervantone Fri Jan 02, 2015 11:53 pm

They have decided they don't like her and won't vote for her. Is that so hard to understand.
we are so fortunate, think of the millions that will be save now that WHL has let us know we do not have to vote, that she's taken care of things and has already picked the next leader.

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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  WHL Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:46 am

22 percent of voters liked her just a while ago. Now she is down to 11.

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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  News Hawk Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:57 am

News Buzzard wrote:Career criminal, Daryl Issa, came up with nada!! I wonder how much that fishing expedition cost us?? No
More is leaking out, including the criminal charge of weapons-trafficking and drug-running at the highest levels.


The corporate media, from MSNBC to Fox, have treated the issue of Benghazi as the “third rail” of subjects. They call it a scandal, but it’s not. It’s a crime, as is its cover-up. They have failed the American people by not holding government accountable for their illegal actions, which are only escalating as a result. MSNBC considers Benghazi a “myth” trumped up by a right-wing political agenda, while Fox considers the topic just too “edgy.” Meanwhile, the American public is being thrust into a covert war without our approval yet in our name, and the flagrant violations of U.S. and international law are being conducted with impunity. Continuing the cover-up will merely embolden the criminals and criminal element within our government and will cost more lives in the process. It is also leading us headlong into World War III. [snip]

"The current plight of whistleblower Robert “Tosh” Plumlee began last October, when he posted 11 “questions” about Benghazi and the illegal arms running operations on Facebook. As quickly as they appeared in the social media stream, the CIA and the Department of Justice instructed him to remove those questions from the public domain and remain forever silent about the covert and highly illegal weapons running operations being conducted. Despite his classification as a photojournalist with Salem-News that provided him the legitimacy to report on Benghazi, he complied." (Much more)...

Evil or Very Mad

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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  obervantone Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:30 pm

22 percent of voters liked her just a while ago. Now she is down to 11.

Right, because we all know that polling companies never make mistakes and get it wrong.

Gallup’s final pre-election poll result – 49 percent Mitt Romney, 48 percent President Obama – differed not only from other surveys but also from Obama’s four-point victory.

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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Why Hillary Will Win

Post  News Buzzard Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:46 pm

The 46 Democratic Senators received 20 million more votes than the 54 Republican Senators currently in the chamber. This is the reason why Hillary will win!

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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  News Hawk Tue Jan 06, 2015 8:38 pm

Somebody mentioned Hillary?

What a Face

Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Hillarymoomoo

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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty No More Liawatha...Darn...

Post  News Hawk Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:02 pm

Elisabeth Warren NOW says, "She's not running", so we're back to Hillary!

Or are we back to Warren's first lie?


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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  Anti Federalist Tue Jan 13, 2015 7:10 pm

Hillary will win handily, if the Stupid Party does like it's preparing to do and nominates some tired neo-con re-tread like Romney or Bush.
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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  WHL Wed Jan 14, 2015 7:35 am

I know, just what we need another Bush in the White House! And Romney is just another Bush, unfortunately. The one exception is, he is an excellent business man.

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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  News Hawk Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:30 pm

Anti Federalist wrote:Hillary will win handily, if the Stupid Party does like it's preparing to do and nominates some tired neo-con re-tread like Romney or Bush.
A retread would have a good chance, if he ran TV ads that went...

“Aww don’t feel noways tard. I’ve come too faarrr from where I started frum.”


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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  News Hawk Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:00 am

That was a quote from Hillary!

Hillary's poll numbers are collapsing

Well, that didn't take as long as expected.

"...Hillary Clinton's massive poll lead over every single potential Republican opponent has collapsed

In a hypothetical match-up, her margin over Jeb Bush, the closest GOP president, was cut in half to eight points this month, 45%-37%, according to Zogby. That's down from a whopping 15-point lead in December. Similarly, the former first lady's 15-point margin over Mitt Romney slid to nine points, 46%-37%.

Still sizable margins, to be sure. But trending uncomfortably in the wrong direction even before an announcement, as Clinton goes to ground to plot her campaign, assemble staff and devise a credible rationale other than gender for why Americans should let her move back into the White House, this time in the West Wing.

Most Democrats won't take much convincing. She's her party's overwhelming heir apparent, which actually hasn't worked out too well in recent U.S. political history for Al Gore, John McCain, Romney or Hillary herself in 2008.

But she'll need to convince significant numbers of independents and even Republicans on a shifting political landscape that's been trending toward conservative states, both in the census and recent elections.

Even with veterans of the president's winning campaigns jumping over for Obama 3.0, that could be a hefty challenge given Clinton's quarter-century of public controversies; HillaryCare's website didn't fail, but that's because she didn't have one. Her brief Senate career was highlighted by nothing really.

And her four years as the well-traveled face of Obama's disastrous foreign policies that allowed Syria to decay into bloody chaos, Iraq to go it alone militarily, permitting ISIS to fester and spread, and post-Gaddafi Libya to become one large al-Qaida training camp.

Then there's the deadly Benghazi debacle with its inexplicable security lapses, still under investigation by a House Select committee.

With a swaggering Obama indicating he won't go silently into retirement, Clinton faces the tricky maneuver of separating from him enough to shed sufficient association with the failures and deceits in voters' minds without totally alienating Democrats' extreme left wing, inviting Elizabeth Warren into a divisive competition.

Did you hear Clinton's comments on Obama's hollow State of the Union? Crickets.

Then, there's Clinton's health and age. She'd be 69 by election day next year compared to a field of major Republican candidates with fresh faces who average 50 including Romney and only 47 without him.http://news.investors.com/politics-andrew-malcolm/012615-736218-hillary-clinton-jeb-bush-mitt-romney-scott-walker.htm#ixzz3Q1tZIt9O

It won't be Hillary or Fauxahauntis...


Republican ads can sink her ship—starting with this quote to a large African-American group:

“Aww don’t feel noways tard. I’ve come too faarrr from where I started frum.”
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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  WHL Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:01 pm

Fauxahauntis??!! lol!

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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  Anti Federalist Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:06 pm

News Hawk wrote:It won't be Hillary or Fauxahauntis...

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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  News Hawk Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:11 pm

News Buzzard wrote:The 46 Democratic Senators received 20 million more votes than the 54 Republican Senators currently in the chamber. This is the reason why Hillary will win!

Received from a NH Friend:

I know there are some of you that may be Democrats, and love Obama, but this is for Christians first, politics later. I do pray this doesn't offend anybody, but it has to be sent. If you love your Lord first and your politics later, you will appreciate this message.

When we get 100,000,000, that's one hundred million willing Christians to BOND together, voice their concerns and vote, we can take back America with God's help. Become one of the One hundred million...

Then let's get 200 million. It can be done by sending this email to your friends. Do the math. It only takes a willing heart and a fed up soul. God Bless America and Shine your light on Her..

In 1952, President Truman established one day a year as a "National Day of Prayer."

In 1988, President Reagan designated the first Thursday in May of each year as The National Day of Prayer.

In June 2007 (then) Presidential Candidate Barack Obama declared that the USA "was no longer a Christian nation."


This year President Obama Canceled the 21st annual National Day Of Prayer ceremony at the White House under the ruse of "not wanting to offend anyone"

BUT... On September 25, 2009 from 4 AM until 7 PM, a National Day of prayer FOR THE MUSLIM RELIGION was held on Capitol Hill, beside the Capitol building. There were over 50,000 Muslims in D.C. that day.

HE PRAYS WITH THE MUSLIMS! I guess it doesn't matter If "Christians" are offended by this event - we obviously don 't count as "anyone" anymore.

Now he is encouraging schools to teach the Quran for extra credit in schools while they cannot even talk about the bible , God or salute the American Flag.

The direction this country is headed should strike fear in the heart of every Christian, especially knowing that the Muslim religion believes that if Christians cannot be Converted, they should be annihilated.
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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  News Hawk Sat Feb 21, 2015 7:28 pm

News Hawk wrote:
News Buzzard wrote:She won!

Again, what does Hillary offer above FauxCahontas?



Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Politifact-photos-Warren_meme-280x300

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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  News Hawk Mon Apr 20, 2015 8:41 pm


Squaw Speaking Bull.

Very Happy

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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  WHL Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:15 am

AGain, they are hypocrites!!

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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty A Scheming Careerist...

Post  News Hawk Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:46 am

Anti Federalist wrote:Hillary will win handily, if the Stupid Party does like it's preparing to do and nominates some tired neo-con re-tread like Romney or Bush.

Even a Romney or Bush can beat "a scheming careerist who sees her husband’s rise to power as little more than a springboard for her own ambition".

What a Face

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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty "Arab Spring", Lack of Accomplishment, Cooking Her Foundation's Books...

Post  News Hawk Fri May 01, 2015 7:46 am

Anti Federalist wrote:"...Hillary will win handily..."

I wouldn't know about that: here's a Dim citing her lack of accomplishments:

“I would argue that between what’s happening internationally in her tenure as Secretary of State, no real accomplishments, and now these new allegations coming out about the Clinton foundation and the book coming out next week. These are real,” Chafee said.

Although he didn't come right out and call her a "Corruptocrat".

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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  News Hawk Sat May 23, 2015 2:55 pm

News Buzzard wrote:"...Do you have any shred of evidence...??

Krauthammer: Hillary Email Dump Is ‘Farce,’ We Saw What She Wanted Us to See

Hundreds of Hillary Clinton‘s emails were released today, something Clinton herself said she wants, but Charles Krauthammer doesn’t really buy this is some great victory for transparency and disclosure. “There isn’t a shred of evidence,” he said, “because she shredded the evidence. This whole release is a farce.”

He pointed out that it’s not like every little email Clinton ever sent will be released to the public, only the ones ‘scrubbed and cleansed and decided upon, chosen by her own people, acting in her own interest.” And, Krauthammer added, it’s working, because the media is eagerly looking through “pre-scrubbed material”...

Krauthammer has it right.

Twisted Evil

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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  News Buzzard Sat May 23, 2015 3:08 pm

Krauthammer is never right about anything!! Sleep
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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  WHL Sat May 23, 2015 4:31 pm

Krauthammer is absolutely right. It is no surprise at all.

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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty What Difference Does It Make???

Post  News Hawk Sat May 23, 2015 8:29 pm

'The Great War of Our Time'

Morell is a senior CIA official—asked about Hillary's emails and server...

Hewitt: As a professional matter, do you believe that at least one or perhaps many foreign intelligence servers, services have everything that went to and from that server?

Morell: I think that foreign intelligence services, the good ones, the good ones, have everything on any unclassified network that the government uses, whether it's a private server or a public one. They're that good.

Hewitt: So that's a yes?

Morell: Yup.

Hewitt after the interview:

I did not expect such bluntness from so high ranking a former official, but this is exactly the same answer I have received off the record from four other very senior, very experienced decision makers in the long war. The fact is clear that Clinton acted with reckless disregard for the security of the nation she was sworn to serve.
(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com ...

What difference does it make?


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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

Post  News Buzzard Sat May 23, 2015 9:30 pm

News Hawk wrote:What difference does it make?

None whatsoever Exclamation
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Hillary In 2016 - Page 4 Empty Re: Hillary In 2016

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