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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

News Pigeon
News Hawk
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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  News Hawk Sat Aug 09, 2014 7:38 pm

The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  15529271-mmmain

But didn’t Obama say George Bush should not have gone into Iraq?

It's a quagmire, I tell you...


BOSTON — Warning against a new U.S. war in Iraq, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Friday stood by President Barack Obama’s decision to authorize targeted airstrikes to help defend Americans in Erbil, Iraq, and provide aid to a religious minority taking refuge in the Sinjar mountains.

It’s a very complicated situation in Iraq,[/b] and the president has taken very targeted actions to provide humanitarian relief that the Iraqi government requested, and to protect American citizens,” Warren told reporters. “But like the president I believe that any solution in Iraq is going to be a negotiated solution, not a military solution. We do not want to be pulled into another war in Iraq.”

Renowned for its financing strategies and media savvy and feared for its brutality, a group of Sunni sectarian extremists that now calls itself The Islamic State has expanded out of war-torn Syria into Iraq, where it imposes taxes and kills people of other religions, according to news accounts.

On Thursday night, Obama announced he had authorized air strikes to protect American diplomats, civilians and military personnel in Erbil, and humanitarian air drops of food and water had already begun to assist Yezidis, a religious minority, who fled to the Sinjar mountains.

An American-led invasion of Iraq was launched in March 2003, starting a war that was divisive politically and costly. After Obama failed at reaching accord on a new status of force agreement with the Iraqi government, the U.S. stuck to an earlier timetable, withdrawing troops from the country by Dec. 31, 2011.

Warren said the actions announced by Obama will change the dynamic in the country, which has a Shi’ite led government and an independent Kurdish region in the north.

It’s a very complicated situation in Iraq. The president has now taken two very targeted actions, and those two actions will change the mix of what’s happening in Iraq, and we’ll have to just monitor it,” Warren said.

Warren was in the State House for a closed-door meeting between state and federal officials and Jorge Carlos Fonseca, the president of Cape Verde.

Asked if she had a broader plan for dealing with the crisis in Iraq, Warren said, “Certainly these airstrikes are going to change the mix of what’s going on, so we’ll just have to monitor it literally day by day, hour by hour.”

I wonder if the author at masslive.com knows that "Cape Verde" are islands off the coast of Africa. (Cape Verde Islands).


I wonder if FauxaHauntus has seen any recruiting videos produced by ISIS? ("The Caliphate") They're a bloodier band of terrorists than the civilized world has seen since Clinton's oversight in Ruanda; but even in Ruanda, they only cut off hands, and African terrorists spared many head-cuttings.


Fauxahauntus put on war paint, go on war path. Hohllee smokum!
Keepum deer skin on, ugh. Cover up. Heap bad medicine.

The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Nozdvp

Last edited by News Hawk on Fri Aug 22, 2014 10:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  News Pigeon Sun Aug 10, 2014 7:58 am

Laughing Warren scares the hell out of you corporate lap-dogs.....
News Pigeon
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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  red_hill Sun Aug 10, 2014 8:56 am

News Pigeon wrote:Laughing Warren scares the hell out of you corporate lap-dogs.....
Why would she scare anyone? She is an uber liberal who could never win a national election.


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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  News Hawk Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:10 am

red_hill wrote:Why would she scare anyone? She is an uber liberal who could never win a national election.

She could move to Illinois, and use the Chicago Crook Machine to undermine this country! (Even More).


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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty I Agree...

Post  News Hawk Sun Aug 10, 2014 8:04 pm

Comment on the Web:

The idea of starting a fledgling democracy Iraq was not a bad one. Bush did not underestimate the desire of the Iraqi people to be free. He did not anticipate the stupidity of the American people to elect a president who would abandon the Iraqi people to evil Islamist terrorists who would behead their children.

Perhaps Bush should have considered what the election of a Marxist in the USA would do to the little corner of democracy he was trying to establish, particularly in light of his close shave in 2000.


Flashback: 'We're Leaving Behind a Sovereign, Stable and Self-Reliant Iraq'
—Barack Hussein Obama

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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  News Hawk Sun Aug 10, 2014 8:30 pm

The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  2u1jtq68

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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty ISIS is Killing Thousands—While Obama Plays Golf...

Post  News Hawk Tue Aug 12, 2014 9:42 pm

Expect News Buzzard to remark—"Look, they've planted new palm trees along the roadway."


The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Isis-mass-execution-20140712-3

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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  Anti Federalist Wed Aug 13, 2014 3:37 pm

News Hawk wrote:Fauxahauntus put on war paint, go on war path. Hohllee smokum!
Keepum deer skin on, ugh. Cover up. Heap bad medicine.

The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Nozdvp

That, literally, made me LOL.

That said, yeah, bomb them some more.

We've been bombing Iraq for almost 25 years now.

Shall we try for 30?

Cos, you know, the first 25 were so successful.
Anti Federalist
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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  WHL Wed Aug 13, 2014 3:55 pm

No kidding!!

(Great to see you Anti, I was wondering where you were!)

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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  Anti Federalist Wed Aug 13, 2014 4:18 pm

WHL wrote:No kidding!!

(Great to see you Anti, I was wondering where you were!)


Been around, and been busy as hell.

Stop by RPF sometime, I'm usually much more active there.

Anti Federalist
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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  WHL Wed Aug 13, 2014 7:01 pm

I thought!

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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  News Hawk Wed Aug 13, 2014 7:04 pm

Anti Federalist wrote:
News Hawk wrote:Fauxahauntus put on war paint, go on war path. Hohllee smokum!
Keepum deer skin on, ugh. Cover up. Heap bad medicine.

The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Nozdvp

That said, yeah, bomb them some more.

We've been bombing Iraq for almost 25 years now.

Shall we try for 30?

Cos, you know, the first 25 were so successful.

A year and a half ago, I warned of "The Caliphate":

News Hawk wrote:
"You know how OPEC is over 50% Arab, albeit spread out over a dozen countries? Imagine if those Arab countries were a single country, a unitary empire as in antiquity. That's why we're friends with these countries - to have an excuse to intervene if any one of them decides to become a modern Saladin. (And lead the charge into the Western World.)

"If we hadn't done Desert Storm, Saddam might have unified the Arab world. Think about what that would have done to oil prices. Apart from oil-related repercussions, here's a historical footnote - the last time Arabia was unified, Arab armies got within 200 miles of Paris.

"There's also the fact that Desert Storm is the first war in which 2/3 of our expenses were covered by the Saudis and Kuwaitis, who handed to us $40b.
As allies go, the Saudi and Kuwaiti royals have been pretty staunch, although they've had to make allowances for a populace that is pretty anti-American. It's unfortunate that this is the case, but short of the deportations of their entire populations to Mars, we won't get friendlier governments in place than the rulers already there."

"Twenty-five years is nothing to this terrorizing "Cult of Death".

Obama is bad enough in raising our gas prices.

See you at the pump?


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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  News Hawk Wed Aug 13, 2014 7:53 pm

Anti Federalist wrote:That said, yeah, bomb them some more.

We've been bombing Iraq for almost 25 years now.

Shall we try for 30?

Cos, you know, the first 25 were so successful.

The Caliphate is seeing success in India.

The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Black%20flag%20caliphate


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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  News Hawk Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:08 pm

Will Australia shame Obama to intervene against the slaughter?

Maybe they viewed the Caliphate video showing their slicing an 8-year-old boy in half?

Or the view at twitter of Australian jihadist boy holding up the severed head of an Iraqi soldier?

The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTr6nMu_ULVPekFvPkEHi4QRjSHtn7XNpfMR7I7QNLhJ9gbpco1
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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  red_hill Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:37 pm

News Hawk wrote:Will Australia shame Obama to intervene against the slaughter?

Maybe they viewed the Caliphate video showing their slicing an 8-year-old boy in half?

Or the view at twitter of Australian jihadist boy holding up the severed head of an Iraqi soldier?

The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTr6nMu_ULVPekFvPkEHi4QRjSHtn7XNpfMR7I7QNLhJ9gbpco1
I believe that we will be fighting a modern day version of the holy war within my lifetime. But hey, that's merely the opinion of a "rentacop" Very Happy 

Modern day means the Muslims vs the rest of the people (I figured I would head off a query from Frick and Frack).


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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  Anti Federalist Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:36 am

News Hawk wrote:
Anti Federalist wrote:That said, yeah, bomb them some more.

We've been bombing Iraq for almost 25 years now.

Shall we try for 30?

Cos, you know, the first 25 were so successful.

The Caliphate is seeing success in India.

The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Black%20flag%20caliphate


That's nice...what would you like us to do about it?

We're broke and cannot afford another multi-trillion dollar war.

Not to mention the roughly 170 MILLION dead from a world war the scope and size of WWII, which is what would have to be undertaken if you wish to cleanse the area of the earth in that map from the "Jihadist hordes"

I honestly do not know who is going to bankrupt this country first: the welfare statists or the warfare statists.
Anti Federalist
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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  News Hawk Sat Aug 16, 2014 10:31 am

red_hill wrote:"...I believe that we will be fighting a modern day version of the holy war within my lifetime.  But hey, that's merely the opinion of a "rentacop" Very Happy 

Modern day means the Muslims  vs the rest of the people (I figured I would head off a query from Frick and Frack).

'Looks like you headed them ALL off!


News Hawk
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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  WHL Sat Aug 16, 2014 11:22 am

red_hill wrote:
News Hawk wrote:Will Australia shame Obama to intervene against the slaughter?

Maybe they viewed the Caliphate video showing their slicing an 8-year-old boy in half?

Or the view at twitter of Australian jihadist boy holding up the severed head of an Iraqi soldier?

The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTr6nMu_ULVPekFvPkEHi4QRjSHtn7XNpfMR7I7QNLhJ9gbpco1
I believe that we will be fighting a modern day version of the holy war within my lifetime.  But hey, that's merely the opinion of a "rentacop" Very Happy 

Modern day means the Muslims  vs the rest of the people (I figured I would head off a query from Frick and Frack).

Serious subject but I had to laugh at the humor!

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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  News Buzzard Sat Aug 16, 2014 12:14 pm

"We will, in fact, be greeted as liberators"

Mission Accomplished
News Buzzard
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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty 'Mind If I Play Through?

Post  News Hawk Sat Aug 16, 2014 7:05 pm

The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Play-Thru-ISIS

News Hawk
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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  News Hawk Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:34 pm

Anti Federalist wrote:
News Hawk wrote:
Anti Federalist wrote:That said, yeah, bomb them some more.

We've been bombing Iraq for almost 25 years now.

Shall we try for 30?

Cos, you know, the first 25 were so successful.

The Caliphate is seeing success in India.

The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Black%20flag%20caliphate


That's nice...what would you like us to do about it?

We're broke and cannot afford another multi-trillion dollar war.

Not to mention the roughly 170 MILLION dead from a world war the scope and size of WWII, which is what would have to be undertaken if you wish to cleanse the area of the earth in that map from the "Jihadist hordes"

I honestly do not know who is going to bankrupt this country first: the welfare statists or the warfare statists.

Obummer might tell us that he "ended" the war in Afghanistan and Iraq...

The reality is...HE ABANDONED the war.

We might not be interested in war, but war is interested in us.

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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  News Hawk Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:49 pm

The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Flip-Flopper

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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  News Hawk Fri Aug 22, 2014 1:48 pm

The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Golfing-While-the-World-Burns

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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  News Hawk Fri Aug 22, 2014 10:04 pm

The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  10609625_832912816748681_5140727901715240770_n

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The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  Empty Re: The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...

Post  News Hawk Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:50 am

The WON They Were Waiting For, Can't Get Himself Off the Damn Golf Course...  CSIObama

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