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Boating United request

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Boating United request Empty Boating United request

Post  obervantone Tue Jan 20, 2015 1:36 pm

This month marked the start of the 114th Congress, a time of change in Washington and a renewed opportunity for the recreational boating industry to have our voices heard in DC. One of our industry's biggest tools to success in Washington is the Congressional Boating Caucus-an informal, bipartisan group of elected officials dedicated to the interests of the boating community on Capitol Hill.

We need your help to grow the caucus, and ensure that all Senators and Representatives are of aware of the importance of boating.

Will you help us in our efforts to grow the Caucus? Simply click here to ask your members of Congress to join today!

Hearing directly from their constituents will go a long way in showcasing the strength and magnitude of the American recreational boating industry. Ask today!

Boating United is the grassroots platform of the recreational boating industry. It is comprised of boating manufacturers, businesses and supporters who share the common goal of protecting and promoting the industry. Take action, learn about the issues and more at http://boatingunited.com/

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