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How Should "The Pledge" Be Recited?

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How Should "The Pledge" Be Recited? Empty How Should "The Pledge" Be Recited?

Post  News Hawk Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:14 pm

"Fury is brewing at Rocky Mountain High School, in Colorado, after a multicultural student group were encouraged to recite the Pledge of Allegiance over the loudspeaker in Arabic - replacing ´one nation under God´ with ´one nation under Allah´.

"Following Monday´s pledge, Principal Tom Lopez has been inundated with complaints from outraged parents concerned that saying the Pledge in any language other than English is unpatriotic. Standing by his controversial decision, Principal Lopez has said that despite the irate telephone calls and emails, he is not in any way or form trying to push an agenda..."
Daily Mail
Camel...Nose...Tent... Sad
News Hawk
News Hawk

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How Should "The Pledge" Be Recited? Empty Re: How Should "The Pledge" Be Recited?

Post  WHL Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:53 am

People coming to this country should all learn the language. Speak English, period. If they want to carry on their own traditions in their own home, fine. But this is America and English is our language. Call me biased, I don't care.

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How Should "The Pledge" Be Recited? Empty Re: How Should "The Pledge" Be Recited?

Post  News Hawk Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:18 am

At least your ads are in English. Suspect

Did you know that some South Florida radio stations get "bleed-in" from Havana? Shocked
News Hawk
News Hawk

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How Should "The Pledge" Be Recited? Empty Re: How Should "The Pledge" Be Recited?

Post  WHL Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:44 am

NO, I didn't know that. What is the weather like there today?

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