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Shutdown bad for obama.

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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  fshnski Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:11 pm

Casy, You are the perfect example of why I always include a link to my posts.

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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  WHL Sat Oct 12, 2013 3:52 pm

Me too, fsh. He criticizes links and when you don't use them, he criticizes the fact that you don't use them.

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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  Anti Federalist Sat Oct 12, 2013 4:41 pm

News Hawk wrote:
Anti Federalist wrote:With any luck, the other 83 percent will shut down too.
How could we tell the entire country was shut down?

('Til Obama tells us?)
You couldn't, because it wouldn't.

People would still get up in the morning, work would still get done, and life would carry on, better for it most likely.

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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  Anti Federalist Sat Oct 12, 2013 4:54 pm

Because nothing says Freedom and Independence more than a bunch of government jacklegs, bossing people around.

News Hawk wrote:Whose money was spent to pay these goons to keep Americans from Independence Hall?

(They say, it's us!)

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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  Anti Federalist Sat Oct 12, 2013 7:54 pm

Three Lessons from the Shutdown


First, the government despises the people. As has been amply documented, the shutdown of the national parks and monuments is a cynical ploy to punish Americans for not toeing the administration’s line. These are mostly nature preserves after all, and shutting them down has required more work than just leaving them open to the public, sans rangers.

Second, the American public are not the looting, vandalizing hordes of unwashed masses the government would make us out to be. While I’d prefer he started at the Jefferson Memorial, here’s an unnamed American who took it on his own initiative to make sure the monuments stay maintained. The g-men obviously turn a blind eye to the “Adopt A Highway” programs where thousands of miles of government roadway receive free maintenance from civic minded groups who clean up the trash for free, all for a little sign. Imagine the sponsorship rights to be had for maintaining the National Mall or Yellowstone! Let’s lay off all National Park rangers permanently and auction the maintenance rights (and the parks themselves while we’re at it!)

Third, the only value the Federal Government actually brings to the long suffering American people is the National Parks. Consider this – the shutdown has given them an excuse to punish the serfs for daring to elect a few “radicals” who are concerned about implementing a Soviet-style medical insurance scheme on top of $200+ Trillion in off balance sheet federal debt, and are making an issue of it. The only “service” the administration can actually shutdown that 99% of Americans give a damn about is the national parks, and even then most people are only indirectly affected. Shutdown at the EPA? Yawn. Shutdown the IRS? Yes, please! CDC? Meh. NSA, TSA, CIA, FBI, and Globally deployed military forces – We should be so lucky.

Think of the colossal waste of over $3.5 Trillion dollars a year on all this government and when push comes to shove, the best they can do is take away some nature preserves. Government is a deadly, wasteful scam with negligible tangible benefit.
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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  News Hawk Sun Oct 13, 2013 1:18 pm

Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 BV3JO5jCQAA71-8
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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Bungling bureaucrats dole out billions in tax credits to illegal immigrants

Post  fshnski Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:15 am

The federal government’s decision to pay out billions of dollars in tax credits to illegal immigrants likely was made by midlevel bureaucrats and has never received full congressional scrutiny, according to a study that the Center for Immigration Studies is releasing Monday.

The report, written by CIS fellow David North, says the Internal Revenue Service doled out $4.2 billion in what is known as the “additional child tax credit” in 2010 to those using an individual taxpayer identification number, or ITIN, which is usually a signal of an illegal immigrant.

The issue has been known for some time. But Mr. North went deep into the data to try to look at why it’s happening, and said it’s a story of a tax credit expanding beyond its initial scope, and midlevel IRS managers twisting the law, leaving billions of dollars going to illegal immigrants.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/oct/14/tax-credits-to-illegals-likely-from-midlevel-repor/#ixzz2hhovN2Re
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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  fshnski Tue Oct 15, 2013 3:56 pm

President obama's former campaign organization, now Organizing for Action, only drew about 20 protesters to Capitol Hill this afternoon to protest what organizers of the group described as the "Tea Party shutdown."

OFA emailed supporters on Monday asking them to attend the rally and promoted the event on Twitter.

The protest was expected to start at noon, but protesters who arrived found themselves scattered in search of the recruitment spot.

Some of the protesters ran to join a protest across the street, but soon realized it was not the OFA protest.

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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  News Hawk Tue Oct 15, 2013 6:50 pm

Anti Federalist wrote:"...First, the government despises the people..."
Harry Reid is quoted as saying, "The People smell".

"That's no exaggeration. Reid said the following at the opening of the center this morning.

"My staff tells me not to say this, but I'm going to say it anyway," said Reid in his remarks. In the summer because of the heat and high humidity, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol. It may be descriptive but it's true."

Ah, Harry Reid. If he didn't exist, Republicans would have to invent him.

Next time, Senator, listen to your staff..."

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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  News Hawk Tue Oct 15, 2013 7:08 pm

Obamacare is imploding.

Twisted Evil 
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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  fshnski Tue Oct 15, 2013 7:19 pm

Test pilot ... I can't control it when I try to do that!

Ground ... Try again!

Pilot ... I can't control it when I try to do that!

Ground ... Try again!

Pilot ... I lose control when I do that! I'm having all sorts of system failures ... but ... but I think I can still land!

Ground ... Try again!

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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  Achigan Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:31 pm

"We fought the good fight. We just didn't win," conceded House Speaker John Boehner as lawmakers lined up to vote on a bill that fell far short of Republican wishes. http://news.msn.com/us/deal-reached-to-avoid-default-and-open-government

I think we should all just relax now and stop the blame game. They worked it out and IMO it is for the good of the country.

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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty It's worse then I thought!

Post  fshnski Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:50 pm

WASHINGTON—The White House garden — first lady Michelle Obama’s signature project — is a weed-filled wreck, a victim of the partial federal government shutdown, hitting Day 14 on Monday.

As a result of neglect, “the vegetables filling the 1,500 square-foot plot are now rotting away on the vines and in the boxed beds,” reports Eddie Gehman Kohan, the founder and editor of Obamafoodorama, the publication of record when it comes to food and entertaining at the Obama White House.

Gehman Kohan has aimed her long photographic lens at the garden every day since Oct. 1 to record the impact of the shutdown on the usually carefully tended garden.

With staff on furloughs, only a “skeletal crew of National Park Service gardeners..remain on duty,” Gehman Kohan reports and while they can water, “the gardeners are not allowed to harvest the crops, a White House source told Obamafoodorama.

“Weeds are springing up everywhere, and the vegetables that have already fallen off the vines are now mouldering on the ground.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/ken-shepherd/2013/10/16/chicago-tribunes-sweet-first-ladys-garden-victim-shutdown#ixzz2hvbm7qgV

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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  WHL Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:21 pm

OH what a shame. Razz 

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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Valerie Jarrett is ‘architect’ of Obama’s shutdown strategy

Post  fshnski Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:29 pm

The New York Post reported that Ms. Jarrett held several late-night sessions with Mr. Obama at his residence and from there came the strategy of “no negotiation,” Mr. Klein believes.

She was the “architect” of that approach, Mr. Klein said. “It was during one of those nightly sessions that Jarrett devised the no-negotiating strategy that Obama has employed in his fight with the GOP over the government shutdown. She convinced the president that a government shutdown and default offered a great opportunity to demonize the Republicans and help the Democrats win back a majority in the House of Representatives in 2014.”

Other contributions from Ms. Jarrett, Mr. Klein said, in the New York Post: “Valerie also came with the idea of using the words ‘hostage’ and ‘ransom’ and ‘terrorists’ against the Republicans.”

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/oct/16/valerie-jarrett-architect-obamas-shutdown-strategy/#ixzz2hvl8Os5h
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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  fshnski Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:30 pm

"So an Iranian born woman whose first languages were Persian and French is advising the President not to negotiate with the Americans in Congress?

Boy does this all start to make sense.

But if a man of questionable American birth and a Kenyan communist father and a woman of Iranian birth, with an upbringing by Persian speakers want what is best for America, I will eat my tennis shoes".

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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  fshnski Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:35 pm

“After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not
with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget.
The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will
get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t
be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is
over and we have two judges ready to go.”
- Valarie Jarrett

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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  WHL Thu Oct 17, 2013 5:53 am

NICE, huh?

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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  fshnski Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:13 am

These are the non-Americans leading our country down the road to mediocrity.

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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  News Hawk Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:43 am

fshnski wrote:These are the non-Americans leading our country down the road to mediocrity.

You got hopes!


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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  fshnski Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:03 am

Har, har.

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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  fshnski Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:08 am

Buried inside the new stopgap spending bill are several goodies, including nearly quadrupling the maximum price of a dam project on the Ohio River that is turning into a boondoggle — up to nearly $3 billion.

The bill also includes $174,000 of taxpayer money for the widow of the late Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg. The death gratuity, which has been paid to widows of other lawmakers in the past, raised hackles since Lautenberg was a multimillionaire, while the government is $16.7 trillion in debt.

But lawmakers did nix one provision that was in an early draft posted online — they canceled authority to build another Coast Guard cutter, as a cost of nearly $600 million.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/oct/16/stopgap-spending-bill-approves-3-billion-price-tag/#ixzz2hz5TB1gR
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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Fairness from our government?

Post  fshnski Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:24 am

All these slugs that voted for obamacare made sure they didn't have to suffer like we the people. On average the feds cover 72%
of health care costs for members of Congress. 72%!


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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  News Hawk Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:46 am

You can hope for "mediocrity", but...

...say goodbye...

"Can't you see the sun's settin' fast, and nothing good ever lasts..."


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Shutdown bad for obama. - Page 6 Empty Re: Shutdown bad for obama.

Post  News Hawk Sat Oct 19, 2013 6:26 pm

Who Shut Down the Government?

Even when it comes to something as basic, and apparently as simple and straightforward, as the question of who shut down the federal government, there are diametrically opposite answers, depending on whether you talk to Democrats or to Republicans.

There is really nothing complicated about the facts. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted all the money required to keep all government activities going -- except for ObamaCare.

This is not a matter of opinion. You can check the Congressional Record.

As for the House of Representatives' right to grant or withhold money, that is not a matter of opinion either. You can check the Constitution of the United States. All spending bills must originate in the House of Representatives, which means that Congressmen there have a right to decide whether or not they want to spend money on a particular government activity.

Whether ObamaCare is good, bad or indifferent is a matter of opinion. But it is a matter of fact that members of the House of Representatives have a right to make spending decisions based on their opinion.

ObamaCare is indeed "the law of the land," as its supporters keep saying, and the Supreme Court has upheld its Constitutionality.

But the whole point of having a division of powers within the federal government is that each branch can decide independently what it wants to do or not do, regardless of what the other branches do, when exercising the powers specifically granted to that branch by the Constitution.

The hundreds of thousands of government workers who have been laid off are not idle because the House of Representatives did not vote enough money to pay their salaries or the other expenses of their agencies -- unless they are in an agency that would administer ObamaCare.

Since we cannot read minds, we cannot say who -- if anybody -- "wants to shut down the government." But we do know who had the option to keep the government running and chose not to. The money voted by the House of Representatives covered everything that the government does, except for ObamaCare.

The Senate chose not to vote to authorize that money to be spent, because it did not include money for ObamaCare. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says that he wants a "clean" bill from the House of Representatives, and some in the media keep repeating the word "clean" like a mantra. But what is unclean about not giving Harry Reid everything he wants?

If Senator Reid and President Obama refuse to accept the money required to run the government, because it leaves out the money they want to run ObamaCare, that is their right. But that is also their responsibility.

You cannot blame other people for not giving you everything you want. And it is a fraud to blame them when you refuse to use the money they did vote, even when it is ample to pay for everything else in the government.

When Barack Obama keeps claiming that it is some new outrage for those who control the money to try to change government policy by granting or withholding money, that is simply a bald-faced lie. You can check the history of other examples of "legislation by appropriation" as it used to be called.

Whether legislation by appropriation is a good idea or a bad idea is a matter of opinion. But whether it is both legal and not unprecedented is a matter of fact.

Perhaps the biggest of the big lies is that the government will not be able to pay what it owes on the national debt, creating a danger of default. Tax money keeps coming into the Treasury during the shutdown, and it vastly exceeds the interest that has to be paid on the national debt.

Even if the debt ceiling is not lifted, that only means that government is not allowed to run up new debt. But that does not mean that it is unable to pay the interest on existing debt.

None of this is rocket science.

But unless the Republicans get their side of the story out -- and articulation has never been their strong suit -- the lies will win
. More important, the whole country will lose.
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