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Stay away from ObamaCare

News Hawk
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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  WHL Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:13 am

says consumer reports. Pretty bad when even they tell people to stay away. It's that bad.


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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  WHL Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:31 am

And of course the President knew nothing, AS ALWAYS. They needed FIVE years not three to get it set up? Just shows how the gov. can't do anything right. Do you think Jobs or Gates would have taken 5 years to set up a program?????


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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  WHL Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:33 am

Yup, you can keep your existing insurance if you like it. How many lies can Obama tell?


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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  WHL Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:44 am

So since the website doesn't work, you can now call to get health insurance. Trouble is you can't get through.


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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Sen. Jeanne Shaheen asks for extension for enrollment for Obamacare

Post  fshnski Wed Oct 23, 2013 2:04 pm

CONCORD, N.H. — As website glitches make it difficult for consumers to sign up for health insurance under the new federal health care overhaul law, New Hampshire Sen. Jeanne Shaheen is requesting for an extension on the open-enrollment period beyond March 31, 2014.

In a letter to President Obama, Shaheen suggested the extension to provide greater flexibility for people seeking access to health insurance.

The Democratic senator says the difficulty that people in New Hampshire and in other states relying on the federally facilitated marketplaces are experiencing is incredibly frustrating and disappointing.

Separately, Sen. Kelly Ayotte has requested information from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services regarding how many New Hampshire citizens have successfully enrolled in the new health insurance exchange.


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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty CNN? Really?

Post  News Hawk Wed Oct 23, 2013 2:50 pm

WHL wrote:says consumer reports.  Pretty bad when even they tell people to stay away.  It's that bad.
Today, CNN says:

"Start OVER"
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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  fshnski Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:02 pm

obama should have listened to Cruz. It would have been less of an embarrassment to obama and it would have given obama the time needed to get the program started on the right foot.


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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Buzzard Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:17 pm

WHL wrote:Yup, you can keep your existing insurance if you like it.  How many lies can Obama tell?

"By all accounts, the new policies will offer consumers better coverage....." You left that part out. You also left out the part that only the policies purchased after the passage of the law are being cancelled.

As far as the public being overwhelmingly opposed to Obamacare..............Not true!!!!


If more states had set up their own exchanges there probably would have been much fewer problems with the rollout, and I'm willing to bet that Republican extremists are hacking the website as much as they can.

Obamacare is here to stay!!!!! sunny
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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  fshnski Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:49 pm

It would have been better for our country if obama had listened to Cruz. I don't understand how some obama supporters continue to throw barbs when they should be eating crow.

You can't tie this mess to the Republicans. They never, not one, ever voted in favor of obamacare. He released a product that he knew full well wasn't ready to go. obamacare is bombing out and it's everybody else's fault. Except for obama!


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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  fshnski Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:51 pm

And sabotage. Rolling Eyes 

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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  Outerlimits Wed Oct 23, 2013 4:27 pm

News Buzzard wrote:By all accounts, the new policies will offer consumers better coverage....
That is an opinion and “better” has everything to do with what the final consumer considers important, not what some Democrat politician in D.C. thinks.  

News Buzzard wrote: You left that part out. You also left out the part that only the policies purchased after the passage of the law are being cancelled.
That is NOT true.

Obama mandates that all health insurance coverage packages provide 10 categories of essential health benefits. Because some plans offered by all insurers did not include all of these new services, they will no longer be available.  300,000 customers of Blue Care in Florida are losing their plans.

News Buzzard wrote:As far as the public being overwhelmingly opposed to Obamacare..............Not true!!!!.

Umm, yeah it is.   You didn’t Read your own linked article did you?

A Reuters/Ipsos online poll on Tuesday showed 54 percent of people opposed the law while 46 percent favored it.
Yesterday I posted the Real Clear Politics average.  Not one of the 30+ polls represented there had the general public in favor of Obamacare.  I guess you didn’t read that either.  Heck you’re probably not reading this as it is clearly blasphemy to you.

News Buzzard wrote:If more states had set up their own exchanges there probably would have been much fewer problems with the rollout...
You really have no clue to what is going on with the website do you?   It failed with 200 people online 4 days before it went live.  Even Obozo didn’t make that claim.  

News Buzzard wrote:...and I'm willing to bet that Republican extremists are hacking the website as much as they can.
It is the Republican’s fault.  

News Buzzard wrote:...Obamacare is here to stay!!!!! sunny
Obozocare needs 7 million people to sign up by March 31, 2014.  If they miss that mark, it sinks.  This is NOT an opinion, stay tuned.

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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  WHL Wed Oct 23, 2013 4:53 pm

FACTS don't matter to NB apparently. He will believe what he wants to believe. Just like Obama.

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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty The denizens of the deepest of left field, would be Who? I Wonder?

Post  News Hawk Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:19 pm

News Buzzard wrote:Obamacare is here to stay!!!!! sunny
"...By now even the denizens of the deepest of left field must be ready to admit that the roll out of Obamacare has been an immense failure and blot on the Obama administration. The media is full of reports of Americans suddenly discovering that their health care insurance plans are going to cost them much, much more. The media is full of horror stories about people being unable to get into the government web site. The list of roll out problems is long and damning for Team Obama.

But, please think about the fact that setting up the sales process is probably the simplest part of the whole program. The real difficulty will come with patient management, processing billing, etc. etc. etc. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

We are hearing all sorts of horror stories, one of which was a report of a list of some 2,400 social security numbers and other identifying info that was wrongfully sent to an insurance agent.

Then we just learned that Team Obama knew several days before roll out that the programming was so buggered up that it could not even handle relatively small numbers of inquiries. Nonetheless, because the Republicans were urging a year’s delay in implementation, Obama, in a political snit, ordered it to begin anyway. Now, he and his are suffering the consequences. The ordeal is just beginning, the mess will get much worse..."
It's already out of control, and it's just the beginning!

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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  WHL Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:45 pm

Yup, just wait. I wonder if everybody will wake up or the followers will continue to say how great Obamacare is.

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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Hawk Wed Oct 23, 2013 8:29 pm

Stay away from ObamaCare  1378685_673230962696347_1806791521_n
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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Heard of McAfee...?

Post  News Hawk Thu Oct 24, 2013 2:37 pm

News Buzzard wrote:As far as the public being overwhelmingly opposed to Obamacare..............Not true!!!!http://news.yahoo.com/support-u-healthcare-law-edges-despite-website-woes-140849492.html

Obamacare is here to stay!!!!! sunny
Maybe—maybe not:

"...John McAfee said the online component of Obamacare “is a hacker’s wet dream” that will cause “the loss of income for the millions of Americans who are going to lose their identities.”

For starters, McAfee said the way it is set up makes it possible for fake websites be set up to fool people to think they’re signing up for Obamacare.

“It’s seriously bad,” McAfee said. “Somebody made a grave error, not in designing the program but in simply implementing the web aspect of it. I mean, for example, anybody can put up a web page and claim to be a broker for this system. There is no central place where I can go and say, ‘OK, here are all the legitimate brokers, the examiners for all of the states and pick and choose one.’”

“Instead, any hacker can put a website up, make it look extremely competitive, and because of the nature of the system — and this is health care, after all — they can ask you the most intimate questions, and you’re freely going to answer them,” he continued. “What’s my Social Security number? My birth date? What are my health issues?”

According to McAfee, there’s not a quick fix — and as long as it set up this way, it could be a playground for computer hackers.

“Here’s the problem: It’s not something software can solve,” McAfee continued. “I mean, what idiot put this system out there and did not create a central depository? There should be one website, run by the government, you go to that website and then you can click on all of the agencies. This is insane.

So, I will predict that the loss of income for the millions of Americans who are going to lose their identities — I mean, you can imagine some retired lady in Utah, who has $75,000 dollars in the bank, saving her whole life, having it wiped out in one day because she signed up for Obamacare. And believe me, this is going to happen millions of times. This is a hacker’s wet dream. I mean I cannot believe that they did this.”
When I go to vote, will I have to show (as ID) my Obamacare card?

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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Buzzard Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:40 pm

Alleged murderer, John McAfee?? Rolling Eyes 

I wonder if Mitch McConnell knows that Obamacare is working in his home state?

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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  Outerlimits Thu Oct 24, 2013 4:42 pm

Explain the whole Obamacare idea to me again........

We can all keep our health insurance if we like it.
It will save the average family $2,300.00 a year.
If you like your doctor you can keep him/her.
It will get 40 million Americans insured.
It will not add to the tax buden.

Can you show me a shred of evidence that even one of these things are true?

Of course you can’t

We know by October 1st over $450 million was spent on a web-site that doesn’t work.
There is boatload of ancillary expenses for the roll out that out stripped that 10 fold.
Three plus year advertising campaign promote this debacle.
Who paid for this?  Did it come from Obama’s stash or was tax payer money used?

Millions have and will lose their full time status for part time status.  It has destroyed the insurance millions of people so others ( a much smaller number) can get a subsidized plan. Millions more are being tossed off their current plans and many of them not be able to afford the huge premium increases caused by Obamacare.

No wonder this country is such a mess with that kind of thinking.  

You claim the Republicans and Tea party will pay for the shut-down, when this is going on.

See you clowns in 2014!

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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Hawk Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:39 pm

News Buzzard wrote:"...I wonder if Mitch McConnell knows that Obamacare is working in his home state...?"

You've sent our readers to the Home-Page of Democrat Gov. Beshear?


After three weeks, how do "WE" know Obamacare is working in Mitch McConnell's home state?

Arrow  Gov. Beshear (D) turned a Kentucky breakfast into a highly political one—when it became Mitch McConnell's turn to speak:

"So, governor, the solution to Obamacare is to pull it out root and branch," the Senate minority leader said to cheers.

[Rand] Paul, who wants to try to defund the law as a way to buy leverage to delay it and ultimately kill it, picked up on Beshear's point about the economic benefits. "It's going to bring $15 billion to our state. From where?" he asked, his voice rising. "From the Federal Reserve, which is already sitting at minus $17 trillion. It's not free. There are consequences to this."
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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Buzzard Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:53 pm

Outerlimits wrote:See you clowns in 2014!
You betcha, and the American citizens won't forget the $24 billion hit the economy took from that Republican shutdown stunt!! What did you gain from that, other than a complete dive in the polls?
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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  Achigan Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:57 pm

News Buzzard wrote:
Outerlimits wrote:See you clowns in 2014!
You betcha, and the American citizens won't forget the $24 billion hit the economy took from that Republican shutdown stunt!! What did you gain from that, other than a complete dive in the polls?
Well said NB. 2014 will go down in history as one of the most disastrous election years for the right wing party. Bring it on!!!!

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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Hawk Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:02 pm

In three months of 1965, 19 million Americans signed up for Medicare on index cards.


Even Conan O'Brien and Jay Leno are referring to "ObamaCrash"—a bad sign for anyone who trots this out as Obama's greatest success.

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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Buzzard Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:10 pm

I'm not setting the bar with Conan O'Brien or Jay Leno. There was a problem with the Medicare Part D rollout and it is now very successful. The government can always call W. B. Mason for a supply of index cards if they have to! One way or the other, Obamacare is here to stay!!
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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  WHL Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:19 pm

RUSH: For those of us who take as long as we can to pay our taxes, October 15th was the extension filing date for 2012, and I dutifully was in there. My accountant, who is almost afraid to be my accountant because he thinks he's gonna get targeted, too, just 'cause his name's on my return, he said, "Look, you may not know this, but you keep talking about these Obamacare fines if you don't buy a policy. Do you know that under the law --" and I had to go look it up. Not that I didn't believe him, but he just never gets political with me. He stays over there. (interruption) No, no. He's not lib. It's a professional relationship.

Anyway, he said to me that, according to the law, the only way that the government can collect the fine or penalty for you not buying insurance is if you are owed a tax refund. If you do not owe a tax refund, they cannot go into your bank account or anywhere else and get that money. Now, the sad thing is that most people file their taxes to get a refund 'cause they think they're screwing the government, and they're not. You're giving the government all that money all that year, but, no, look, what it means is that it can't work. The whole point of this is the individual mandate. The guts of this are the mandate that you buy, that young, healthy people get screwed price-wise by being forced to buy insurance. You've got to.

And in three or four years, if things don't change, it's gonna be bad. I'll tell you, by then, if this thing goes forward, and it looks like it may not, but, if it goes forward, these are gonna be the good old days, because right now with the website broken, these kids can't find out how badly they're gonna get screwed, although some people are. By kids I mean 18-24, 18-30. (interruption) I know, we're gonna get to the hearings in a minute. There's nothing wrong, folks. Did you know the site's working? Everything's happening as it should. The only problem is the Republicans. That's what I meant, we're loaded here. I'm sorry to be hop-scotching all over the place. I'm trying to do an hour's worth of content here in five minutes. I really apologize. I'm bursting at the seams here.

Anyway, the website not working and therefore people losing their policies, being dropped, they don't know yet. People really don't know how they're gonna get savaged price-wise on health insurance premiums, and they're not gonna know that for a couple, three years once the fines catch up with the price. The fines are always gonna be the first preference 'cause it's so much cheaper than buying a policy.

Now, by the way, the whole point of this, Obamacare, is to fail and usher in single payer. And, as I say, Obama can't even manage to structure that right. This is glaring here, what is going on. Let me read this to you from the joint tax committee. They talk about the mandate here. "The penalty applies --" this is for not having insurance. "The penalty applies to any period the individual does not maintain minimum essential coverage and is determined monthly. The penalty is assessed through the Code," the tax code, "and accounted for as an additional amount of federal tax owed." So it's tax.

"However," look at me. "However, it is not subject to the enforcement provisions of subtitle F of the Code. The use of liens and seizures otherwise authorized for collection of taxes does not apply to the collection of this penalty. Non-compliance with the personal responsibility requirement to have health coverage is not subject to criminal or civil penalties under the Code and interest does not accrue for failure to pay [the fine] in a timely manner."

Therefore, the only way that they can collect the penalty or the fine is by taking money from your refund. If you are not owed a refund, they cannot get money from you. They can't issue a lien. They can't garnish your wages. They can't use any of the normal procedures available to them if you owe them money, even though the Supreme Court has said it's a tax. So for those of us -- I mean, folks, I'm in fat city. I'm in fat city because I always structure to where I owe money. Well, not entirely. There have been years. But if you structure your taxes so that you do not get a refund, you do not have to buy insurance and you do not have to pay a fine 'cause they can't collect it from you if you don't have a refund due. And that is just another nail in the coffin of Obamacare imploding on itself.

This is what I said. How are they going to collect a penalty if they don't pay taxes?

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Stay away from ObamaCare  Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Hawk Thu Oct 24, 2013 7:32 pm

WHL wrote:"...This is what I said.  How are they going to collect a penalty if they don't pay taxes...?"
Our Government will tell you the number of exemptions you can claim?

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