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Stay away from ObamaCare

News Hawk
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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  WHL Sat Nov 02, 2013 6:32 pm

Fox is discussing now how the vast majority of those signing up for Obamacare are enrolling in Medicaid.

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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  fshnski Sat Nov 02, 2013 6:34 pm

The whole thing is upside down.

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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  Casy Sat Nov 02, 2013 6:40 pm

fshnski wrote:The whole thing is upside down.
They all look alike to me.


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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Hawk Sun Nov 03, 2013 1:37 am

Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 110213
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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Hawk Sun Nov 03, 2013 2:28 am

Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 TANSign-th


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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Hawk Wed Jul 09, 2014 12:35 pm

Why are Muslims EXEMPT, yet Hobby Lobby had to go to the Supreme Court?


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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  WHL Wed Jul 09, 2014 12:37 pm

It makes a difference which side you are on.

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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Buzzard Fri Jul 11, 2014 4:45 pm

Seventy four percent of Republicans who signed up for Obamacare like their coverage!


Obamacare is here to stay!
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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  WHL Fri Jul 11, 2014 5:19 pm

Of course, the 74% that are getting it paid for by me and you. Wouldn't you be satisfied?

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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Buzzard Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:24 pm

WHL wrote:Of course, the 74% that are getting it paid for by me and you. Wouldn't you be satisfied?

The concept was born in the Heritage Foundation and put into law by Mitt Romney, but ran into a logjam when Obama's name was attached to it. Me and you have been paying for people to get free medical care for decades, so I think the concept and the mandate is a good thing. Besides, I don't believe in leaving people on the side of the road. This is America, and we should take care of our own!  Wink
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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  WHL Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:43 pm

Yes, we already were paying for them them as you said, so why do we need to spend billions on a website and a new bureaucracy to do what we were already doing?

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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Hawk Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:49 pm

News Buzzard wrote:
WHL wrote:Of course, the 74% that are getting it paid for by me and you. Wouldn't you be satisfied?

News Buzzard wrote:Me and you have been paying for people to get free medical care for decades, so I think the concept and the mandate is a good thing.

Who pays when those who signed up for Obamacare don't pay anything, including co-pays? We're right back where we started, but have created a Washington bureaucracy that won't stop; in fact, Obama's bureaucracy is complicit in many violations of the Hatch Act. (Not that laws are inconveniencing Obama's toxic legacy).

News Buzzard wrote:I don't believe in leaving people on the side of the road. This is America, and we should take care of our own!  Wink
"Our own" is morphing into millions of Illegals, bringing diseases that will likely spread to "us'" through air and bus travel.

Guess what? Taxpayers paid for this invasion!


Obama twisted a well-intentioned fund to have this occur at this very moment.


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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Buzzard Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:50 pm

WHL wrote:Yes, we already were paying for them them as you said, so why do we need to spend billions on a website and a new bureaucracy to do what we were already doing?

Why not get more people enrolled at more reasonable rates? When I say that 74% of Republicans like their coverage through Obamacare I'm telling you that the opposition is fading. The obstructive party is over, WHL! Obamacare is here to stay!
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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  WHL Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:33 am

Exactly, NH!!

NB, don't you listen?  Of COURSE they like it-it's another freebie for them.  I would love it too if I got it free instead of paying for ten others.  If the rates were more reasonable for everybody (not just those who get others to pay) then it would be true reform.  Obamacare is not true reform AT ALL!

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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Buzzard Sat Jul 12, 2014 8:30 am

You don't understand that Obamacare is here to stay, WHL.
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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  WHL Sat Jul 12, 2014 6:16 pm

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.  It doesn't mean it's a good thing.

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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  Outerlimits Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:07 am

News Buzzard wrote:You don't understand that Obamacare is here to stay, WHL.

Once you start a handout, it is forever.

It all part of the ever-escalating entitlement mentality of progressives where all previous handouts must be maintained and new ones invented to "right" the wrongs of the previous ones.

Of course, when the economy simply drops dead, and currency value evaporates, they will attempt to stir up the mobs to do what they wanted to do all along...plunder anyone who still has anything.

Obama, himself, has done more to dismantle Obamacare than the Republicans could ever do.

I think what YOU don’t understand (along with most progressives and low information voters) is: "health insurance" has absolutely no bearing on the cost of medical care.

Do you seriously believe that higher auto insurance or home-owner's insurance drives up the prices of cars and housing?

It is the price of medical care that drives up the price of "health insurance."

If you want to reduce the price of "health insurance" then logic, common sense, reason, rationality, sanity, economics, accounting and finance says you reduce the costs of medical care.....which in turn will reduce the cost of "health insurance."

Obamacare does nothing to reduce the cost of medical care. Obamacare does everything to increase the cost of medical care, which in turn drives up the price of "health insurance."

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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Buzzard Mon Jul 14, 2014 2:27 pm

What, do you think you're talking to a 2 year old? I'm fully aware of how it works. Prior to Obamacare our health care costs went up 100% over a 10 year period, while regular inflation went up 24.5%. How come? How many fingers were in that pie? We haven't averaged 10% a year since the law was passed and the long term goal of Obamacare is to reduce medical cost inflation.

One thing you're having trouble with is the fact that Obamacare is here to stay, whether you like it or not.

And now I see that some of the jackasses in your party, like Sarah Palin, are calling for Obama's impeachment because he's following the protocols spelled out in a law signed by President George W Bush on juvenile immigrants! And John Boehner is suing Obama for not implementing Obamacare fast enough! Go figure, isn't that the law the Republicans tried to repeal over 50 times, and now they're pissed that it's not being implemented fast enough? Who is in charge of the Republican party?
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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  Outerlimits Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:46 pm

No offence intended. It’s not that I think you are a two year old, but you just won’t acknowledge the undeniable fact that Obamacare does nothing to lower the costs of healthcare. In fact it increases the costs by creating bureaucracies, subsidies and entitlements.

As for Obamacare sticking around…I didn’t disagree with you. Obama and the progressives have made health insurance the newest entitlement and entitlement never go away, they only expand.

As for Palin and Boehner, they don’t speak for me. Do Pelosi and Reid speak for you?

Idon't want Obama impeached. If Obama is removed, he becomes a martyr. If he stays in power, his ineptitude remains on display. He will be caught in more lies. He will continue to damage his party and progressivism more in office than out of office.

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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Buzzard Mon Jul 14, 2014 6:17 pm

No offense taken, and you bring up a good point. We're hearing a lot of noise on the national level when all politics should be local. We should only care about our own safety and when the hell are the roads going to be fixed. I still think Obamacare is going to work out.
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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  Outerlimits Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:02 am

News Buzzard wrote:We should only care about our own safety and when the hell are the roads going to be fixed.

Not anytime soon so keep on budgeting for front end alignments, suspension and wheel repairs. Until we start holding our elected leaders responsible, nothing will change.

Infrastructure spending was supposed to be part of the shovel ready jobs that Obama was bragging about a few years ago. In a matter of weeks after taking office, with majorities in both houses of Congress Obama asked for and got Congress to past the biggest spending bill in our history to "stimulate" the economy.

Due to the incompetence and corruption of his administration, the vaunted "shovel ready projects" were not identified until more than a year later. The reason more money was not devoted to infrastructure is because most of that "stimulus" money was used to reward his political friends in the public service unions.

Obama in now claiming construction jobs at risk without new financing and his bill needs to be passed immediately.

Just what we need more "shovel-ready" jobs. Stealing money from taxpayers through specious claims and moving money form one pot to another until it miraculously makes its' way into is and his supporters pockets.

Quite frankly, we can’t trust Obama or most of our elected leaders to spend responsibly.

We have a political class that see doing its job of governing as nothing more than an exercise in holding our needs hostage to their political agendas.

Throwing more borrowed money at the problem will not solve a thing.

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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  WHL Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:46 pm

Exactly!!!! They don't need more money. They need to be accountable for the money they already have-which of course they won't be. Do you know how much these new gas taxes cost business? You go for it Obama - keep doing everything to hurt business and kill the economy.

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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Buzzard Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:32 pm

It will be terrible if the Congress doesn't act on the Highway Trust Fund. Those are the things that were the normal order of business in Congress before the Tea Party took grip. Take a look at the State of Kansas to see how unsuccessful the scorched earth approach is. They're burning through their surplus and will be flat broke next year.
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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  Outerlimits Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:49 pm

It would be terrible if congress does act. With the given track record of this administration and those in power on both sides of the aisle, the vast majority of the funds would end up somewhere else. The debt and interest would be paid for by our grandchildren and our crumbling infrastructure would remain largely unchanged.

Much like the illegal alien problem, one must fix the systemic problems first. Not doing so would be like trying to fill a gas tank with a hole in it the size of a basketball.

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Stay away from ObamaCare  - Page 4 Empty Re: Stay away from ObamaCare

Post  News Buzzard Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:00 pm

Look around the country. They've made great progress on the interstates with the Stimulus package. You're just hoping to crash the economy as much as you can when the fund dries up. They're talking about 700 thousand jobs and hundreds of thousands more when all of that spending money dries up. That's your vision for the future of our country: Third World Status! That's a shame !
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