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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

News Buzzard
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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  News Buzzard Sun Oct 27, 2013 12:00 pm

Says the guy who royally screwed everything up for the Republicans:


Cheney still wants to go into Iran!!! Shocked
News Buzzard
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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Ted Rall: 'Truth Behind ACA Mess Is Obama and His Gang of Golfing Buddies Are Idiots'

Post  fshnski Sun Oct 27, 2013 12:55 pm

People familiar with liberal cartoonist and polemicist Ted Rall will be shocked by a piece he published at Daily Kos Friday wherein he actually agreed with former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.

Trust me, they'll likely be even more shocked with what he had to say about President Obama.

At the center of Rall's piece was Palin's October 20 article wherein she joined a number of conservative commentators in claiming ObamaCare was intentionallly screwed up in order to bring about the liberal dream of a single-payer system.

After citing much of her piece, Rall opined:

If Team Obama had been plotting Canadian-style socialized medicine all along, they wouldn't have floated all those dumb "heckuva job, Barry"-style excuses that turned healthcare.gov into the president's Katrina moment:

• Too much volume. But corporate websites routinely handle more than the ACA sites. Besides, the feds knew that, in a nation with tens of millions of uninsured people, tens of millions of people were going to check out the website. The truth, as any idiot could plainly see, was that volume wasn't the issue. Lousy coding was.

• ACA is "more than a website" — and anyway, why don't people use the phone? Actually, that's not true. For most people, the ACA are the websites. That's how Obamacare was promoted. People were told to go online. So they did. As for those who threw up their hands and tried calling — I was one of them — there was no way to buy a plan by phone.

• Everyone knew there would be glitches. The problem with that Democratic talking point is that while Americans may suffer from short memories, they're not totally retarded. We still recall September 2013. It's not like anyone in the White House announced before the launch:

"Hey, don't freak if you can't access the websites right away. Chillax, wait a month or two. We're expecting a lot of glitches, and things could be less than cromulent for a while."

No, Governor Palin, the truth behind the ACA mess is that Obama and his gang of golfing buddies are idiots.

Now before folks faint, be reminded that in 2011, Rall said he was having a hard time getting anyone to publish his anti-Obama pieces. As such, this is a rare liberal willing to expose the emperor's nakedness.

He continued:

Primarily, Obama and the Democrats were idiots to think that the ACA's bastard hybrid of public and private could function properly — certainly not on "a project of such immense complexity. The federal exchange must communicate with other contractors and with databases of numerous federal agencies and more than 170 insurance carriers."

Look at what happened to the Postal Service: neither beast nor fowl, the uncomfortable marriage of for-profit business and Congressionally mandated payouts has pushed an otherwise viable organization to the brink of collapse.

Interesting that Rall would use the Postal Service. Conservatives did the same thing in fighting the enactment of ObamaCare. Amtrak and the DMV were also favorites.

After citing another paragraph from Palin's piece which concluded that we're heading to "full socialized medicine," Rall ended his article astonishingly writing, "I never thought I'd say this, but: From Sarah Palin's lips to God's ears."

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2013/10/27/ted-rall-truth-behind-aca-mess-obama-and-his-gang-golfing-buddies-are#ixzz2iwTsjwH5

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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  Achigan Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:38 pm

News Buzzard wrote:Says the guy who royally screwed everything up for the Republicans:


Cheney still wants to go into Iran!!! Shocked
Cheney said this: "Asked to name a prominent Republican who can attract Democrats and independent voters, Cheney said he was "not going to predict or endorse anybody. We've got a long way to go to the next presidential election.""

Cheney won't endorse anyone because there isn't a repub alive today who could beat any democrat. It's too bad that there isn't one because I like a good debate between the two major parties. The repubs cut the Obama administration down but they don't have any solutions to go along with there comments.

Just like the right wing folks on this forum, they complain all the time but don't have any solutions for any of them.

The citizens of America hate the repubs and everything they stand for. Most won't admit it but they will probably vote democrat and not tell anyone.

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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  fshnski Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:52 pm

If I had voted for obama I wouldn't have told anybody either!

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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  News Buzzard Sun Oct 27, 2013 2:54 pm

It is laughable when people call Obama an idiot. He was elected twice, got us out of Iraq, captured bin-laden, got a good stimulus package in place and saved the auto industry, and passed his signature healthcare law with the help of Democrats in Congress. The unemployment rate went down from 10% to 7.2% after the Great Recession, with no help from the Republicans. The only thing the congressional Republicans did was shut down the government for 16 days and brought this country to the brink of default in an extortionist plot to de-fund Obamacare, and got nothing but single digit polling out of it.

Now who are the idiots?
News Buzzard
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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  fshnski Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:06 pm

Blah ... blah ... blah ... yada ... yada ... yada ... blah ... yada ... blah ... blah!

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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  fshnski Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:09 pm

This is the goal of the left. They want us to accept mediocrity. Look what the left thinks was a good start to obamacare. This is acceptable in their minds. Acceptable?

And obama forced the 17% partial government shut down for this? For "obamacare", his Signature piece and his shining moment and this is what he delivered, a frickin' disaster! A unusable piece of crap.

obama and his administration are in over their heads!

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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  Achigan Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:42 pm

News Buzzard wrote:It is laughable when people call Obama an idiot. He was elected twice, got us out of Iraq, captured bin-laden, got a good stimulus package in place and saved the auto industry, and passed his signature healthcare law with the help of Democrats in Congress. The unemployment rate went down from 10% to 7.2% after the Great Recession, with no help from the Republicans. The only thing the congressional Republicans did was shut down the government for 16 days and brought this country to the brink of default in an extortionist plot to de-fund Obamacare, and got nothing but single digit polling out of it.

Now who are the idiots?
That is a very good post. God Bless President Obama for all that he has done for this country.

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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  fshnski Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:45 pm


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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  News Buzzard Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:53 pm

Achigan wrote:That is a very good post. God Bless President Obama for all that he has done for this country.
Thank you Achigan! I forgot to mention that Obama also got an immigration law passed through the Senate, and it may well stall in the House. That would be the end of the Republican majority in the House.
News Buzzard
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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  fshnski Sun Oct 27, 2013 4:08 pm

Can we assume that the two of you represent the feelings of the Democrat Party of Wolfeboro?

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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  Achigan Sun Oct 27, 2013 4:22 pm

News Buzzard wrote:
Achigan wrote:That is a very good post. God Bless President Obama for all that he has done for this country.
Thank you Achigan! I forgot to mention that Obama also got an immigration law passed through the Senate, and it may well stall in the House. That would be the end of the Republican majority in the House.
Yes it passed through the senate but the House repubs will stall it as long as they can. The repubs know it's a good law but can't stand the fact that President Obama was the one who created it.

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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  WHL Sun Oct 27, 2013 4:30 pm

Obama yes men. Whatever O does, no matter how terrible it is, in their eyes, he is perfect. They live in their own little world.

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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  fshnski Sun Oct 27, 2013 4:43 pm

Maybe the House Majority hasn't forgotten being called racist, being called terrorists, being called hostage takers, being trivialized and denigrated, being blamed for obama's shutdown, being compared to the KKK, being called stupid and insignificant, being called un-American and every other disrespectful name the Democrats could come up with and now, Now! you think the Republicans should help obama out of the mess obama created?!!!

Last edited by fshnski on Sun Oct 27, 2013 4:48 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  WHL Sun Oct 27, 2013 4:47 pm

Loved your little tirade, fsh!!Laughing 

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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  News Buzzard Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:04 pm

There are GOP reps who get it when it comes to immigration reform:

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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  WHL Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:07 pm

Would you please tell me why we need a new plan with "a path to citizenship"? I thought we had a plan for that. People study, take a test and become citizens. Why do we need to change what we have?

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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  Achigan Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:13 pm

News Buzzard wrote:There are GOP reps who get it when it comes to immigration reform:

Thank you NB for another good article!

Even the leading repub knows that President Obama is right. This is what he said in the article:

"While some conservatives are eager to block President Barack Obama's second-term priority in the wake of the shutdown fight, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) told reporters Wednesday that the issue "needs to be addressed.""

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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  News Hawk Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:18 pm

Achigan wrote:
News Buzzard wrote:Even the leading repub knows that President Obama is right.  
Republicans Need To Look To New Generation TiredmassesImage1
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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Republicans DO Face Obstacles...Next? Private Armies to do the Dirtywork?

Post  News Hawk Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:44 am

"Signs bearing the face of the sole black candidate running for statewide office, Republican E.W. Jackson a Harvard Educated ex-Marine and Pastor, were defaced with white paint by vandals presumably Democrats supporting Terry McAuliffe. This smacks of racism given the specific target of Jackson's face and signs for other candidates were not defaced. This is not the first time this kind of vandalism has happened. Signs previously were stolen from the candidate's own front lawn and replaced with Terry McAuliffe signs.

Jackson had this to say about it on his Facebook Page:

"Activists pooled their resources and spent thousands on 4x8s for our campaign only to find them vandalized. This isn't free speech, this is intimidation - and the Democrat Party needs to put a stop to it today!"
Nope, the party opposing Democrats can't have a black candidate for office.

In The Philippines, politicians are infamous for employing private armies to kill or intimidate rivals. 'Course, that can't happen here.


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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  News Hawk Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:53 pm

News Buzzard wrote:There are GOP reps who get it when it comes to immigration reform:

"New estimates show the federal government will spend nearly twice as much fighting global warming this year than on U.S. border security.

The White House reported to House Republicans that there are 18 federal agencies engaged in global warming activities in 2013, funding a wide range of programs, including scientific research, international climate assistance, incentivizing renewable energy technology and subsidies to renewable energy producers. Global warming spending is estimated to cost $22.2 billion this year, and $21.4 billion next year. At the same time, the federal government will spend nearly $12 billion on customs and border enforcement this year."
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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  News Hawk Mon Oct 28, 2013 1:07 pm

Achigan wrote:That is a very good post. God Bless President Obama for all that he has done for this country.
And what would that be?


News Buzzard wrote:Thank you Achigan! I forgot to mention that Obama also got an immigration law passed through the Senate, and it may well stall in the House. That would be the end of the Republican majority in the House.

"Remember way back in the distant past - like, two weeks ago - when every Democrat on Capitol Hill was united in the determination that ObamaCare must not be changed, not be delayed, not be modified in any way, because to do so would be a dirty, nasty, right-wing Republican trick?

My. How things change. Dana Bash of CNN tweets that the 13 Democrat senators up for re-election in 2014 are suddenly singing a very different tune:

new: senior dem source tells me to expect every sen dem running in 2014 to back @JeanneShaheen proposal to delay #ACA enrollment deadline

"Well that’s nice of them, but these same 13 Democrats voted in 2009 to create this monstrosity in the first place. And don’t forget how that went down either. Remember that the Senate passed a version of the bill that everyone knew had major problems, taking advantage of its 60-seat, filibuster-proof majority to push the bill through. Then Senator Ted Kennedy died, and was replaced by Republican Scott Brown. That meant the Senate could no longer stop a filibuster, which it would need to do to pass any improved bill coming out of conference after the House passed its version. The only way at that point to pass ObamaCare to have the House pass the Senate bill with no changes, then abuse reconciliation rules to pass the fixes that were needed.

Abusing power is something Harry Reid is only too happy to do..."
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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  News Hawk Tue Oct 29, 2013 7:59 pm

News Buzzard wrote:Says the guy who royally screwed everything up for the Republicans:
Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Liberals29
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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  News Hawk Sat Nov 02, 2013 11:11 am

News Buzzard wrote:"...There are GOP reps who get it when it comes to immigration reform...:"
I'd always thought of "jumping to the head of the line" was un-American, but I guess I was wrong.


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Republicans Need To Look To New Generation Empty Re: Republicans Need To Look To New Generation

Post  fshnski Sat Nov 02, 2013 11:31 am

It doesn't make any sense does it?

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