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Voter fraud

News Pigeon
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Voter fraud - Page 5 Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  obervantone Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:14 pm

Still waiting for News Hawk to contact the FBI regarding those 29,000 fraudulent votes in New Hampshire that he and his source "know" happened because otherwise he never would have posted anything that he wasn't certain was the truth would he?

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Voter fraud - Page 5 Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Hawk Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:20 pm

obervantone wrote:Still waiting for News Hawk to contact the FBI regarding those 29,000 fraudulent votes in New Hampshire that he and his source "know" happened because otherwise he never would have posted anything that he wasn't certain was the truth would he?
Did I mention New Hampshire?


What I was reading and relating had to do with the Commonwealth of Virginia.
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Voter fraud - Page 5 Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  obervantone Tue Nov 25, 2014 12:20 am

As we can all see you made NO mention of Virginia. You issued a very clear straight forward blanket statement:
News Hawk
It's been estimated that Republicans have to overcome 6+ percent of fraudulent votes to defeat the Democrats
Extrapolating that 6+ percent across the board means more than 29,000 votes in New Hampshire were fraudulent. Been in touch with the FBI yet?

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Voter fraud - Page 5 Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Hawk Tue Nov 25, 2014 8:11 am

obervantone wrote:As we can all see you made NO mention of Virginia.  You issued a very clear straight forward blanket statement: Extrapolating that 6+ percent across the board means more than 29,000 votes in New Hampshire were fraudulent.  Been in touch with the FBI yet?
All by yourself, you've extrapolated, and then extrapolated on that. That's a "Straw Argument".

I have one FBI friend here, and another active in a professional organization. I've contacted both from time to time (including 9/11 and a day or two before the FBI botched the Davidian raid), but I won't waste their time with your "gleanings".

Rolling Eyes

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Voter fraud - Page 5 Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  obervantone Tue Nov 25, 2014 12:11 pm

News Hawk
obervantone wrote:As we can all see you made NO mention of Virginia.  You issued a very clear straight forward blanket statement: Extrapolating that 6+ percent across the board means more than 29,000 votes in New Hampshire were fraudulent.  Been in touch with the FBI yet?

All by yourself, you've extrapolated, and then extrapolated on that. That's a "Straw Argument".

I have one FBI friend here, and another active in a professional organization. I've contacted both from time to time (including 9/11 and a day or two before the FBI botched the Davidian raid), but I won't waste their time with your "gleanings".
Once again you can not support your own statements.  You introduced the idea that over 6 percent of the mid-term election involved voter fraud.  All I did was extrapolate 6 percent that you claim were fraudulent from the votes cast in NH.  Based on YOUR statement over 29,000 votes in the New Hampshire mid-term election were fraudulent.

Gee, what a surprise, you won't bring your impeccable research to the FBI to bring these destroyers of democracy to justice.

Of course the bottom line why you are not going after those "scofflaws" stealing our democracy by giving the FBI your "evidence" of 6+ percent of the votes in the mid-terms being fraudulent is this:
Section 1001 makes it a crime to "knowingly and willfully" give false statements in any matter under federal jurisdiction.  Defendants convicted under Section 1001 face a maximum of five years in prison and up to $250,000 in criminal fines
Just more fabricated Bull Shit.

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Voter fraud - Page 5 Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Hawk Tue Nov 25, 2014 1:34 pm

obervantone wrote:
News Hawk
obervantone wrote:As we can all see you made NO mention of Virginia.  You issued a very clear straight forward blanket statement: Extrapolating that 6+ percent across the board means more than 29,000 votes in New Hampshire were fraudulent.  Been in touch with the FBI yet?

All by yourself, you've extrapolated, and then extrapolated on that. That's a "Straw Argument".

I have one FBI friend here, and another active in a professional organization. I've contacted both from time to time (including 9/11 and a day or two before the FBI botched the Davidian raid), but I won't waste their time with your "gleanings".
Once again you can not support your own statements.  You introduced the idea that over 6 percent of the mid-term election involved voter fraud.  All I did was extrapolate 6 percent that you claim were fraudulent from the votes cast in NH.  Based on YOUR statement over 29,000 votes in the New Hampshire mid-term election were fraudulent.

Gee, what a surprise, you won't bring your impeccable research to the FBI to bring these destroyers of democracy to justice.

Of course the bottom line why you are not going after those "scofflaws" stealing our democracy by giving the FBI your "evidence" of 6+ percent of the votes in the mid-terms being fraudulent is this:
Section 1001 makes it a crime to "knowingly and willfully" give false statements in any matter under federal jurisdiction.  Defendants convicted under Section 1001 face a maximum of five years in prison and up to $250,000 in criminal fines
Just more fabricated Bull Shit.

There's strong support for voter fraud besides estimations in critical elections—of which, Mid-Terms are not.

Six+% could be made of the following chart. Maybe you overlooked this graphic on this thread's page one:

Voter fraud - Page 5 Voter_Fraud_2Mil_Dems600O


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Voter fraud - Page 5 Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  obervantone Tue Nov 25, 2014 1:43 pm

News Hawk
There's strong support for voter fraud besides estimations in critical elections—of which, Mid-Terms are not.

Six+% could be made of the following chart. Maybe you overlooked this graphic on this thread's page one:

There are non-critical elections? And again you want us to trust a graphic with no backing evidence of what you now say COULD happen.

Present your evidence, not a bunch of crap generated by wackos that know how to create graphics.
noun: evidence
the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

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Voter fraud - Page 5 Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Hawk Tue Nov 25, 2014 1:53 pm

obervantone wrote:
"...There are non-critical elections...?  

While voters put many Republicans into office this year, that could change in just two years, erasing any good they might have planned.

Presidential elections have much greater gravitas.


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Voter fraud - Page 5 Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  obervantone Tue Nov 25, 2014 2:01 pm

News Hawk
While voters put many Republicans into office this year, that could change in just two years, erasing any good they might have planned.

Presidential elections have much greater gravitas.
You are wrong to think that one election has greater gravitas over another and it is thinking like that keeping voters away from the polls.

How is this for a put up or shut up offer?
You convince me through the use of evidence that you are right, that 6+ percent of the mid-term was tainted by voter fraud and I will break the story nationally. But I want hard evidence, not some bull shit from wacko websites and graphics HARD EVIDENCE.

Your turn.


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Voter fraud - Page 5 Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  News Hawk Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:40 am

I think you're trying to send me on a "Fool's Errand". How can I provide "facts" in contests controlled by electronic voting machines? I'm all in favor of returning to a paper ballot. I don't need to know the outcome on the same day!

I was following the Mid-Terms closely. There were all manner of "slip-ups"—here is just one.

Richmond, VA–Merely hours after the close of a bitter and divisive Governor’s race in Virginia that saw Democrat Terry McAuliffe pull out a win over Republican Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, irregularities in voting data have emerged.  According to mainstream media outlets McAuliffe supposedly defeated Cuccinelli in a razor-thin 47-46 percent victory to become the next Governor of the great state of Virginia.

Immediately following the announcement, Cuccinelli’s office opened a full investigation into the legitimacy of the vote and quickly turned up surprising results.  In 13 districts, multiple instances of intimidation at the polls were reported.  Large black men wearing traditional Black Panther garb were reported lingering around polling places approaching older voters asking questions about who they intended on voting for.  In Loudoun and Fairfax counties (traditional Democratic strongholds), election officials withheld submitting voter data in order to get an idea of whether to count absentee ballots or not.  In an audit of the voter registration information, it quickly became apparent that MULTIPLE votes were cast by people who were either deceased or had long ago moved out of the district.

According to exit polling Cuccinelli won the race by big margins reaching a high percent of the key voting blocks of women, Latinos and Blacks.

Cuccinelli was a target of large amounts of out of state financing as the Democrats set out to make the race be a referendum against the Tea Party movement.  McAuliffe got a late boost from Bill and Hillary Clinton, as well as Joe Biden, who campaigned hard for the Democrat.

Even in defeat Cuccinelli reminded voters that the election was in fact a referendum against President Obama’s Affordable Care Act.  “Despite being outspent by an unprecedented $15 million,” he said, ”this race came down to the wire because of Obamacare. That message will go out across America tonight.”

Sources within Cuccinelli’s office have warned that “this is not over” and that Ken will be challenging the results of the election in court.

This is first instance I've of Black Panthers outside of Pennsylvania.
You've probably already seen this video:


Electronic voting can sway many elections without a recount uncovering it. We've been sold a bill of goods!

Nevada's large service union (SIEU) "maintains" the electronic voting machines—for which, Harry Reid is most grateful!


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Voter fraud - Page 5 Empty Re: Voter fraud

Post  obervantone Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:04 am

News Hawk
I think you're trying to send me on a "Fool's Errand". How can I provide "facts" in contests controlled by electronic voting machines?
And yet YOU stated that 6+ percent of the vote was fraudulent in no uncertain terms, so you must have evidence, right?

Regarding the Black Panther story.  I can not speak from personal experience about Virginia but everywhere in which I have ever voted there was at least one police officer at every polling precinct.  If there was a police officer at the precinct then how did this "intimidation" occur?  
As my signature line states:  They can't put anything on the internet that isn't true...Where'd you hear that?...The internet

I question the legitimacy and accuracy of that story.

And the video?  I am sure that you have seen this:

However it does appear that you and I have found common ground on one thing.   Electronic voting without a paper backup, is vulnerable.  In my community we have a physical ballot in which we fill in the circle next to the candidate's name and then it is scanned into a machine that counts the vote and stores the physical ballot creating a paper backup.  This system, IMHO should be the norm.

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Voter fraud - Page 5 Empty Once Again, from Britain...

Post  News Hawk Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:42 pm

Opponents of Republican in a Louisiana runoff are urging Democrat voters to vote twice in this runoff election; moreover, Democrats will appoint an Attorney-General who will not prosecute double-votes for Landrieu.


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Voter fraud - Page 5 Empty Vote Twice...

Post  News Hawk Tue Dec 02, 2014 6:21 pm

News Buzzard wrote:"...What's the matter? Did Obama kick sand in your face with his Immigration order? Very Happy His popularity with Hispanics is only up to 68%!  cheers

Obama has just endorsed Senator Mary Landrieau (LA-D).

That ought to have 68% of Louisiana's Hispanics running to vote for her!

(Once or twice).


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