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Were Americans Responsible for 9/11?

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Were Americans Responsible for 9/11? Empty Were Americans Responsible for 9/11?

Post  News Hawk Sun Sep 11, 2016 10:57 am

In addition to not taking-out bin Laden when Bill Clinton had three chances to do so...Is it any wonder that Hillary's lawn signs are invisible?

Evil or Very Mad

"When people think of 9/11, the first names that should cross their minds is Jamie Gorelick and Bill and Hillary Clinton. "Gorelick's Wall" was created to block, slow and mislead investigations into the plethora of Clinton scandals and leads by literally destroying the ability of the country's investigative agencies to speak to each other.

For those of you who missed this, in typical Clinton style it was that blunt - Gorelick wrote a memo that decreed that the various agencies could not talk to each other about their investigations, if they thought their leads, evidence or other information might be useful to, or answered by, some other agency. So basically, to cover themselves, the Clintons had Gorelick effectively destroy the fundamental functioning of the American investigatory apparatus - all of it. Anything out of narrow definitions had to be passed onto Gorelick (and the Clintons) for approval to be discussed anywhere else - if at all - where it could be stopped cold from further investigation.

And yes, that meant even information about the possibility of a terrorist attack using commerical aircraft against skyscrapers.

And yes, it's all documented, complete with FBI memos of outrage at Gorelick for blocking them, which she ignored.

But don't worry - Gorelick sat on the 9/11 investigation committee and determined that she did nothing wrong, and provided no enablement to the terrorists.

Oh yeah, and then [later appointed], Gorelick destroyed Fannie Mae.

What is the REAL Reason for Gorelick's Wall?

Jamie Gorelick, Mistress of Disaster

Jamie Gorelick Who ‘Helped to Bring us 9/11 AND Housing Collapse’ Is On Short List to Lead FBI

The Wall Truth:

The Mary Jo White Memo: Documentation of Clintons' and Gorelick's willful, seditious malfeasance.

Able Danger, 9-11 Report, Gorelick, and so much more."
News Hawk
News Hawk

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Location : Winnipesaukee & Florida


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