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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  News Hawk Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:20 am

'Didn't mean to leave out Wolfe/Gil:

This is a Donzi who makes a regular appearance every Memorial Day weekend; however, something must have happened to his engine for 2015, as he didn't appear on MD weekend. He isn't as fast as in previous years. He's an out-of-stater, originating from his own personal "No-Wake-Zone" near Melvin Village.

He must know that the Marine Patrol only checks Winter Harbor during late afternoons—if ever!

Believe it or not, I'm asked at FATP why I'm not showing his "Switchable-Exhaust". (Seems he's left it home, or his dog ate it).


Just before (and after) the following image, you can see  "wobbles", as shown by reflections off the rear quarter of the speed-demon. That's indicative of dangerous chine-walking.

"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Fullsc12

Much of the year, it's quiet here, as shown by the following restful video:

Note the echoes of Loon calls from the hills—the same quiet that we have on the less-travelled parts of Lake Winnipesaukee.
News Hawk
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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  News Hawk Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:00 am

From looking at the video again, there is definitely "chine-walking" when he first appears into the first frame.

It's been said—and I don't question it—that occurs at 70MPH.


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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  obervantone Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:48 am

From a professional engineer with a mechanical and aeronautics background...(who wrote the article in your link)

Hull inconsistencies or design issues, incorrect hull setup, water/wake conditions, even wind conditions or driver inexperience can initiate chine walking.

Believe it or not, I'm asked at FATP why I'm not showing his "Switchable-Exhaust". (Seems he's left it home, or his dog ate it).
Of course you ignore the fact that a switchable exhaust can only be used at idle speed, not underway and was approved on the lake to reduce noise levels at the dock...nothing in the law regarding engine noise level changed when switchable exhaust became legal.  Regarding your video, the engine noise certainly did not sound excessive.

Poor you...someone used your lake without your permission.  Razz Oh Wait....You are one of those out-of-state summer visitors Evil or Very Mad

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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty A Scofflaw's Skilz are Very Important...

Post  News Hawk Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:09 pm

obervantone wrote:From a professional engineer with a mechanical and aeronautics background...(who wrote the article in your link)
Hull inconsistencies or design issues, incorrect hull setup, water/wake conditions, even wind conditions or driver inexperience can initiate chine walking.

So there are at least seven conditions that "initiate" chine-walking. I don't believe any professional engineer has viewed my video; however, he does say that the condition is dangerous, and "can't be 'driven-through'".

I don't know the scofflaw's skills; however, you may know him and his skills: that he may not be in control of his boat in Winter Harbor (or anywhere else on Lake Winnipesaukee) is very sobering.

Unless you have specific knowledge, nobody is saying that the subject boat is in compliance with either New Hampshire's speeding or noise laws. The video speaks for itself, and I expect to have many more by the end of the season.
Maybe you can let me know when the next "Fun Run" is taking place.


Is it your opinion (from the video) that the subject boat can achieve 80-MPH?


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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  red_hill Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:44 pm

You are the visitor to this state- you have no clue if the boat operator is or is not.

It must be terrible to be so miserable!

Your head must explode when you go on OSO or Scream and Fly!! Very Happy


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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty The ISIS of Lake Winnipesaukee...

Post  News Hawk Wed Jul 01, 2015 6:42 pm

Woodsy wrote:It is your OPINION that the operator is in violation...   but that's just it.... just like my observation of your video, IT IS OPINION, NOT FACT!

You got ONE right!


Woodsy wrote:Its a 16 foot boat...HARDLY an ocean racer! Its actually designed for water skiing...  the original model name for the boat was Ski-Sporter.
You never see "offshore boats" offshore, anyway.

Woodsy wrote:With the engine above 2000 RPM he wouldn't use his switchable exhaust anyway! Your lack of comprehension of how that system works truly amazes me! Especially since it has been explained to you so many times!
How did you determine that the boat was equipped with a switchable exhaust?

Woodsy wrote:Harassment? WE the PEOPLE of NH have a RIGHT to use the Lake in any manner we see fit WITHIN the LAWS & RULES set forth by NH RSA's and SAF-C 400! If those uses annoy you.. well too bad for you!

If you don't mind, I'd like to point out that some of your PEOPLE are not playing nice with the NH Marine Patrol.

Woodsy wrote:Your family property borders what is essentially a State Park...  you do not have any RIGHT to Peace and Quiet. You are not a captive audience... Feel free to move... Like maybe just stay in Florida?
It's changed in the many years we've been here. This "State Park" has brought death and destruction through your practice of boating at high—and now, ILLEGAL—speeds.

(In case you'd forgotten—'thought I'd point that out).


Woodsy wrote:I will not justify your ISIS comparison...you do a great disservice to those people in our armed forces who actually fight & direct the war on terrorism...

Nobody can justify death by a cult of high-speed SCOFFLAWS.

Woodsy wrote:APS=BS!!!  Smile

Seems you've lost the argument, when resorting to the name-calling of a child.

Did I hit a nerve?


Woodsy wrote:So you took a video that shows a boat! You claim a violation of 2 RSA's and that the boat is dangerously chine walking. I don't see it. IMHO, The boat is certainly not over the Db limit and neither is the boat chine walking or violating the speed limit...
There's little point in responding to an advocate who is willfully blind (and/or deaf).

News Hawk
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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  obervantone Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:53 pm

Unless you have specific knowledge
THAT IS SOOOOO FUNNNNY coming from you!  Laughing

So there are at least seven conditions that "initiate" chine-walking.
And the one that YOU selected must be the correct one!  

I also find it interesting that you post an edited version of a posting from Winni dot com with someone who according to the memberlist, does not even belong to this forum.

You are an out-of-state visitor from the state with the highest number of boating accidents in the country.  Coincidence?  I think not! If you don't like it, go home.

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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  News Hawk Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:18 am

obervantone wrote:
Unless you have specific knowledge
THAT IS SOOOOO FUNNNNY coming from you!  Laughing

What I wrote was:

Unless you have specific knowledge, nobody is saying that the subject boat is in compliance with either New Hampshire's speeding or noise laws.

obervantone wrote:So there are at least seven conditions that "initiate" chine-walking.
And the one that YOU selected must be the correct one!  

Which one was that? I specified none of those causes.


obervantone wrote:I also find it interesting that you post an edited version of a posting from Winni dot com with someone who according to the memberlist, does not even belong to this forum.
And you know that, how?


obervantone wrote:You are an out-of-state visitor from the state with the highest number of boating accidents in the country.  Coincidence?  I think not!  If you don't like it, go home.
If you don't waste you money on drugs, fast boats and cars, it is possible to own more than one home. Once out of the military, you can call any place you want, "home". I doubt you've lived in one Lake Winnipesaukee place longer than I have.

As for Florida, they have our share of idiots on the water—and an extremely long coastline upon which to dock (or crash) their boats. One ocean-racer known to my neighbors left the seacoast to a quiet mid-Florida fresh water canal, and demonstrated his drag-boat's performance to his girlfriend while she sat on an embankment. She witnessed his unskilled death at his boat's "hole-shot".  

Two boaters were e-rased in "Ocean-Racers" in one weekend last year—in a boating season that is 365 days long.  

"Self-crashing" happens here on Winnipesaukee too often:

"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Chestn10
News Hawk
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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  red_hill Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:35 am

LOL waste money- you rent your house out in WH even though you dislike renters AND "visitors", and and you're trying to sell a half interest in your FL "house". You must be so smahhht with money...

BTW, it is easy for you to have lived in a Winni place longer than anyone- you are a fossil, it shows in your postings about every subject!

Have a noisy weekend- I'm sure the WPD is waiting for your CALLS Smile


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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  red_hill Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:49 am

Did he place rocks in the treads of Nazi Panzer tanks as an 11-year old?

I have no idea- I already noted that he NEVER talked about his service and he lived the last 5 years of his life in my home. I only know of his service through his records which conclude up his service with "performed these duties in combat". I do know that he landed in Algeria and Sicily with the 1st Division, then was attached to the 29th for Normandy, landing on June 6 on Omaha Beach. The point was that he was humble and peaceful and certainly was not going to start trouble with peaceable boaters Very Happy


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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  News Hawk Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:03 am

red_hill wrote:Did he place rocks in the treads of Nazi Panzer tanks as an 11-year old?

I have no idea..."

Well, I think that you do "have an idea".

Rolling Eyes

red_hill wrote:LOL waste money- you rent your house out in WH even though you dislike renters AND "visitors"

Are you aware that the pejorative "Masshole" word is now in the nation's dictionaries?

I've boated with my renters, and they're concerned for their grandchildren. They're also interested in relaxing by the natural sounds of the Big Lake—as I do—and are not from Massachusetts.

red_hill wrote:and you're trying to sell a half interest in your FL "house". You must be so smahhht with money...

So Donald Trump never sold real estate interests?


BTW, it's not my house—but a good investment opportunity. I'm also selling a boat for a friend. "Trade" (and profits) is what made this country great. Government is too good at erasing the gains of those who believe in free trade.


red_hill wrote:"...It is easy for you to have lived in a Winni place longer than anyone- you are a fossil, it shows in your postings about every subject!

I didn't write that I had lived in a Winni place longer than anyone: but feel free to put words in my mouth at every opportunity. It's your right under the First Amendment. Rolling Eyes

red_hill wrote:"...Have a noisy weekend- I'm sure the WPD is waiting for your CALLS Smile

WPD has only emergency jurisdiction on Winnipesaukee waters. As I said elsewhere, I won't be at my lakefront cottage during the renters' stay.  

Yes, I wrote "Independence Day", to memorialize the sacrifices of The Founders—and not just to glorify another risky and hazardous speed-boating weekend on Winnipesaukee.

News Hawk
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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  News Hawk Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:07 am

Having read all of the world's news, I think I'll start my day.

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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  obervantone Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:41 am

It's-Not-News Hawk:
obervantone wrote:
So there are at least seven conditions that "initiate" chine-walking.
And the one that YOU selected must be the correct one!  
Which one was that? I specified none of those causes.
Really, don't recall this?

It's Not-News Hawk
From looking at the video again, there is definitely "chine-walking" when he first appears into the first frame.

It's been said—and I don't question it—that occurs at 70MPH.
It's-Not-News Hawk
obervantone wrote:
I also find it interesting that you post an edited version of a posting from Winni dot com with someone who according to the memberlist, does not even belong to this forum.
And you know that, how?
Uhhhh a tough one....because I went to forum where Woodsy is a member and I read the original posting!   oohhhh
It's-Not-News Hawk
If you don't waste you money on drugs, fast boats and cars, it is possible to own more than one home. Once out of the military, you can call any place you want, "home". I doubt you've lived in one Lake Winnipesaukee place longer than I have.
Where are you registered to vote?  Florida....that is your legal residence making you just another out-of-state summer visitor.  Since it is obvious that you don't like it here at Lake Winnipesaukee, I suggest you go home and enjoy boating in Florida.  Given that Florida has the worst record of boating accidents in the country, maybe you can start your crusade against everything that floats and has an internal combustion engine down there...and since you are such a compassionate human being
Two boaters were e-rased in "Ocean-Racers" in one weekend last year
I am sure that they will welcome your ideas with open arms.  Your work here is done, now go home.

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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Interesting That A High Number of "Visiting Drunks" Are From Massachusetts...

Post  News Hawk Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:41 pm

And not so many in Florida:

"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... 1435694544305.cached

Rob LaPointe drove from Massachusetts to kill a Maine couple with his Ocean-Racer.

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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  News Hawk Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:10 am

\"obervantone" quoting News Hawk wrote:

From looking at the video again, there is definitely "chine-walking" when he first appears into the first frame.

It's been said—and I don't question it—that occurs at 70MPH.

I'm not questioning member red hill.

(But you can call it "bouncing alternately right-to-left-to-right-to-left", if you want).

Rolling Eyes

obervantone wrote:
Uhhhh a tough one....because I went to forum where Woodsy is a member and I read the original posting!   oohhhh

We have members who register here under user-names different than FATP—like red hill.

obervantone wrote:
Where are you registered to vote?  Florida....that is your legal residence making you just another out-of-state summer visitor.  

I don't "visit" here, unless a six-month stay is considered a "visit". Weekends are "a visit", and included among your responsibilities as a boater.

obervantone wrote:Since it is obvious that you don't like it here at Lake Winnipesaukee, I suggest you go home and enjoy boating in Florida.  
I do enjoy boating in Florida, but I have family here. They're not moving either.

obervantone wrote:Given that Florida has the worst record of boating accidents in the country, maybe you can start your crusade against everything that floats and has an internal combustion engine down there...and since you are such a compassionate human being.

I have compassion for the nameless three decapitated in their own Ocean-Racer Cigarette in Gilford, one Jack Hartman of Meredith (Baja), the two who died on Long Lake under an Ocean-Racer, and one Stephanie Beaudoin, 34, also of Meredith. (Whose neck was broken in a "Super Sport" Formula).

I don't have compassion for those who imbibe while boating. As noted previously above, Massachusetts figures most prominently in alcohol consumption in those tragedies.  (Less so, Floridians).

Last edited by News Hawk on Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Just FYI...

Post  News Hawk Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:42 am

I'm not assured of a Wi-Fi connection over the next couple of weeks. However, I may be able to "tap-in" in downtown Wolfeboro or other points in New Hampshire.
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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  obervantone Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:33 pm

obervantone wrote:

From looking at the video again, there is definitely "chine-walking" when he first appears into the first frame.

It's been said—and I don't question it—that occurs at 70MPH.

Talk about putting words in others mouths....first you post then edit a quote from another forum of someone not even on the member list here, then you attribute a quote the YOU wrote, to me!

I did not write the quote above, you did Its-Not-News Hawk....I was reminding you of what you wrote when you claimed that you never stated a reason for the fictitious chin-walking of your boat video.

You need to go home.

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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  WHL Fri Jul 03, 2015 4:17 pm

Winter Harbor was not quiet today!

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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  obervantone Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:23 pm

Oh Well
That's what happens in popular resort communities on the Fourth of July. If you don't like the situation then find somewhere else where the situation is more to your liking. (You and your in the plural sense of the words)

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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  News Hawk Mon Jul 06, 2015 7:04 am

WHL wrote:Winter Harbor was not quiet today!  

Friday had "fair-weather" boaters crowding the lake. Saturday was quiet. Sunday, having gusty and strong winds, had only half the crowds of Friday.

Even Johnson's Cove had a tiny fraction of the usual crowd. Several were fishing. I don't know what the others do while anchored there. Listen to their stereos? Enjoy the still waters of a protected natural treasure? Listen to the Ocean-Racers in The Broads? (Yes, you can hear them from Johnson's Cove, as they pass by the far side of the solid earth mass of Wolfeboro Neck).

Rolling Eyes

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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  WHL Mon Jul 06, 2015 7:17 am

I don't hear too many ocean racers any more.

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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Coincidence?

Post  obervantone Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:05 pm

It occurred to me that WHL only posted a complaint about Winter Harbor being noisy AFTER It's-Not-News Hawk rented out his place....Hmmmmmmm cyclops

No comment on why you attributed a quote to me that YOU wrote It's-Not-News Hawk? Evil or Very Mad

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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  red_hill Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:35 pm

News Hawk wrote:
WHL wrote:Winter Harbor was not quiet today!  

Friday had "fair-weather" boaters crowding the lake. Saturday was quiet. Sunday, having gusty and strong winds, had only half the crowds of Friday.

Even Johnson's Cove had a tiny fraction of the usual crowd. Several were fishing. I don't know what the others do while anchored there. Listen to their stereos? Enjoy the still waters of a protected natural treasure? Listen to the Ocean-Racers in The Broads? (Yes, you can hear them from Johnson's Cove, as they pass by the far side of the solid earth mass of Wolfeboro Neck).

Rolling Eyes

Yes, we all love boating in the rain Rolling Eyes

The others were likely relaxing, reading, having some food (we cooked a beef on pork tenderloin on the boat yesterday), and having a drink or two.

You can hear leaf blowers and mowers too...


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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  WHL Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:40 pm

I wasn't complaining about the lake being noisy OR busy. I just made a statement that it was quiet.

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"Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor... Empty Re: "Visitor" Invades Quiet Winter Harbor...

Post  obervantone Mon Jul 06, 2015 3:21 pm

WHL on Fri Jul 03, 2015 4:17 pm
Winter Harbor was not quiet today!
That is the posting that coincides with It's Not-News Hawk renting his place....to those hated out-of-state summer visitors such as himself.

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